Branch Coverage

Criterion Covered Total %
branch 19 24 79.1

line true false branch
60 2 12 unless $ppi->find('PPI::Token::Pod')
64 0 14 if $self->_has_pod_events("$ppi")
71 0 14 if ($sourcePod =~ /^=for \s+ Pod::Loom-template \s+ (\S+)/mx)
81 0 14 unless $templateClass =~ /^[:_A-Z0-9]+$/i
83 0 14 unless eval "require $templateClass;"
90 1 13 if $newPod =~ /^\s*=cut$/
97 13 1 unless ($end_elem)
101 12 1 if (not $end_elem or @$end_elem == 1 and $$end_elem[0] =~ /^__END__\s*\z/)
107 2 12 @$end_elem ? :
116 11 3 if $docstr eq "\n" and not defined $end
118 2 1 defined $end ? :
129 0 14 unless open my $handle, '<:encoding(iso-8859-1)', \$_[1]