Branch Coverage

Criterion Covered Total %
branch 27 32 84.3

line true false branch
20 0 4 unless $$self{'ppi_anchor_type'}
35 2 7 unless ($$self{'ppi_anchor_type'})
41 1 8 if $$self{'ppi_anchor_type'} eq 'textblock' and $$self{'ppi_textblock_count'}
55 4 11 unless ($$self{'ppi_anchor_type'})
59 2 2 if ($cmd eq 'item')
64 1 14 unless $$self{'ppi_anchor_type'} eq 'command'
67 0 14 unless $ppi_cmd =~ /^(?:head|item)/
70 8 6 if ($$self{'ppi_textblock_count'})
71 2 6 if ($ppi_cmd =~ /^head(\d)/) { }
6 0 elsif ($ppi_cmd =~ /^item/) { }
73 2 0 if ($cmd =~ /^head(\d)/)
75 2 0 if $current_level <= $initial_level
78 2 4 if ($cmd =~ /item|back/ and not $$self{'ppi_depth'}) { }
1 3 elsif ($cmd eq 'over') { }
1 2 elsif ($cmd eq 'back') { }
100 2 4 if ($$self{'ppi_command'} and $$self{'ppi_command'} eq 'item')