Branch Coverage

Criterion Covered Total %
branch 0 260 0.0

line true false branch
218 0 0 unless (@htmlfiles)
241 0 0 if (opendir DIR, $fromdir) { }
243 0 0 if (@podfiles) { }
266 0 0 if $CLEANUP
284 0 0 if (opendir DIR, $fromdir) { }
287 0 0 if (@files) { }
363 0 0 unless ((%files) = GetHtmlFilesFromTree($basedir))
368 0 0 unless (open HTML, ">$indexfile")
390 0 0 if (exists $files{"$dir/$file_cmp"})
408 0 0 if ($dir =~ m[/site/]i)
427 0 0 unless $file_to_print =~ /^(perlfaq\d*)$/
446 0 0 unless $file_to_print =~ /^(perl[a-z0-9]*)$/
447 0 0 if $file_to_print =~ /^perlfaq/
479 0 0 if ($dir_to_print =~ m[^lib(/site)?$]i)
498 0 0 if (@{$files{$dir};}) { }
508 0 0 if $file_to_print =~ /^perl[a-z0-9]*$/
510 0 0 if ($file_to_print =~ m[^site/[^/]*$]i) { }
0 0 elsif ($file_to_print =~ m[^site/(.*)/]i) { }
0 0 elsif ($file_to_print =~ m[^(.*)/]) { }
581 0 0 unless (opendir DIR, $basedir)
588 0 0 if -d "$basedir/$_"
592 0 0 unless ((%ret) = (%ret, GetHtmlFilesFromTree("$basedir/$dir")))
611 0 0 if ($MAKE_HTML_FOR_HHELP) { }
612 0 0 unless (MakeHelpFromPodTree($HTMLHELP, $HTMLHELP, $LIB, "$HTML/lib"))
615 0 0 unless (MakeHelpFromPodTree($HTMLHELP, $HTMLHELP, $SITELIB, "$HTML/lib/site"))
620 0 0 unless (MakeHelpFromTree($HTMLHELP, $HTMLHELP, "$HTML/lib"))
625 0 0 unless (MakePerlHelpMain())
630 0 0 unless (MakePerlHtmlIndex("$HTML/lib", "$HTML/perltoc.html"))
650 0 0 unless (opendir DIR, $HTMLHELP)
655 0 0 unless (-e "$HTMLHELP/default.htm")
685 0 0 unless (MakeHtmlTree($fromdir, $htmldir))
689 0 0 unless (MakeHelpFromTree($workdir, $outdir, $htmldir))
723 0 0 unless (-d $fromdir)
727 0 0 unless (opendir DIR, $fromdir)
735 0 0 if -d "$fromdir/$_"
737 0 0 if (@podfiles)
739 0 0 unless (-d $htmldir)
740 0 0 unless (mkpath($htmldir))
751 0 0 if -e $htmlfile
779 0 0 unless ((%files) = GetHtmlFileTreeList($fromdir, $fromdir))
793 0 0 if ($file eq '') { }
0 0 elsif ($file_root =~ /lib$/i) { }
0 0 elsif ($file_root =~ /site$/i) { }
794 0 0 if ($file_root =~ /lib$/i) { }
806 0 0 unless (MakeHelp("$file", $workdir, $outdir, map({"$key/$_";} @{$files{$key};})))
832 0 0 unless (opendir DIR, $root)
837 0 0 if -d "$root/$_"
841 0 0 if @htmlfiles
844 0 0 unless ((%ret) = (%ret, GetHtmlFileTreeList($origroot, "$root/$dir")))
881 0 0 unless (CreateHHP($helpfile, $projfile, $tocfile, keys %htmlfiles))
884 0 0 unless (CreateHHCFromHash($helpfile, $tocfile, %htmlfiles))
915 0 0 unless (opendir DIR, $fromdir)
921 0 0 unless /\.pm/i
931 0 0 if (@htmlfiles)
940 0 0 if -d $_
942 0 0 unless (CreateModuleTreeHelp("$fromdir/$dir"))
976 0 0 if ($libdir ne '') { }
986 0 0 if ($libdir ne '') { }
993 0 0 if ($libdir ne '') { }
1004 0 0 if ($libdir eq '')
1008 0 0 unless (CreateHHP($longhelpfile, $longprojfile, $longtocfile, @htmlfiles))
1011 0 0 unless (CreateHHC($longhelpfile, $longtocfile, @htmlfiles))
1017 0 0 unless -x $COMPILER
1020 0 0 if ($libdir ne '')
1021 0 0 if ($longhelpfile ne $longouthelpfile)
1030 0 0 if ($CLEANUP)
1077 0 0 if ($in =~ m[\\|/]) { }
1102 0 0 unless (opendir DIR, $package_helpfile_dir)
1110 0 0 unless (MakeHelp($helpfile, $helpfile_dir, $helpfile_dir, @hhcfiles))
1140 0 0 unless (opendir DIR, $package_root_dir)
1147 0 0 if -d "$package_root_dir/$_"
1150 0 0 if (opendir DIR, "$dir/blib/HtmlHelp") { }
1160 0 0 unless (MakeHelp($helpfile, $helpfile_dir, $helpfile_dir, @hhcfiles))
1201 0 0 unless (@files)
1202 0 0 unless (opendir DIR, $package_root_dir)
1210 0 0 if -d "$package_root_dir/$_"
1216 0 0 unless -d "$package_dir/blib"
1221 0 0 unless (-d "$package_dir/blib/HtmlHelp")
1222 0 0 unless (mkpath("$package_dir/blib/HtmlHelp"))
1227 0 0 unless (-d "$package_dir/blib/Html")
1228 0 0 unless (mkpath("$package_dir/blib/Html"))
1233 0 0 unless (-d "$package_dir/blib/Html/lib")
1234 0 0 unless (mkpath("$package_dir/blib/Html/lib"))
1239 0 0 unless (-d "$package_dir/blib/Html/lib/site")
1240 0 0 unless (mkpath("$package_dir/blib/Html/lib/site"))
1247 0 0 unless (CopyDirStructure("$package_dir/blib/lib", "$package_dir/blib/Html/lib/site"))
1258 0 0 unless (@package_file_list)
1265 0 0 unless (-d "$package_dir/blib/temp")
1266 0 0 unless (mkpath("$package_dir/blib/temp"))
1275 0 0 if (-e $htmlfile)
1276 0 0 unless (-d "$package_dir/blib/temp")
1277 0 0 unless (mkpath("$package_dir/blib/temp"))
1297 0 0 unless (MakeHelp($helpfile, "$package_dir/blib/temp", "$package_dir/blib/temp", @helphtmlfiles))
1302 0 0 if (-e "$package_dir/blib/temp/$helpfile") { }
1308 0 0 if (-e "$package_dir/blib/temp/$hhcfile") { }
1323 0 0 if (-d "$package_dir/blib/temp")
1324 0 0 if (opendir DIR, "$package_dir/blib/temp") { }
1328 0 0 unless (rmdir "$package_dir/blib/temp")
1357 0 0 unless (opendir DIR, $fromdir)
1362 0 0 if -d "$fromdir/$_" and /[^.]$/
1377 0 0 unless (-e "$todir/$dir")
1378 0 0 unless (mkpath("$todir/$dir"))
1383 0 0 unless (CopyDirStructure("$fromdir/$dir", "$todir/$dir"))
1407 0 0 unless (opendir DIR, $root)
1415 0 0 unless /\.pm/i
1421 0 0 if -d "$root/$_" and /[^.]$/
1457 0 0 unless (defined $first_html_file)
1464 0 0 unless (open HHP, ">$projfile")
1475 0 0 if ($FULLTEXTSEARCH)
1491 0 0 if (@hhcfiles)
1501 0 0 if ($MERGE_PACKAGES)
1554 0 0 unless (open HHC, ">$tocfile")
1573 0 0 if $file =~ /default\.html?$/i
1606 0 0 if ($file =~ /^lib-site-/i) { }
0 0 elsif ($file =~ /lib-site\.hhc/i) { }
0 0 elsif ($file =~ /^lib-/i) { }
0 0 elsif ($file =~ /lib\.hhc/i) { }
1622 0 0 if (@libhhcs)
1631 0 0 if uc $shorttoc eq uc $file
1645 0 0 if ($title =~ m[^lib/$]i)
1668 0 0 if (@sitehhcs)
1679 0 0 if uc $shorttoc eq uc $file
1693 0 0 if ($title =~ m[^lib/site$]i)
1715 0 0 if ($MERGE_PACKAGES)
1729 0 0 if (@otherhhcs)
1732 0 0 if uc $shorttoc eq uc $file
1796 0 0 unless (open HHC, ">$tocfile")
1813 0 0 unless $file =~ /\.html?/i
1823 0 0 if uc $shorttoc eq uc $file
1824 0 0 unless $file =~ /\.hhc/i