Condition Coverage

Criterion Covered Total %
condition 8 21 38.1

and 3 conditions

line !l l&&!r l&&r condition
53 0 0 32 $section and $section = $section->right
0 16 16 $section and $section = $section->right and $section->tag ne 'h2'
135 0 0 0 $section and $section = $section->right
0 0 0 $section and $section = $section->right and $section->tag ne 'h2'
183 4 0 8 1 == $num_element and my $p = $children[0]
4 0 8 1 == $num_element and my $p = $children[0] and $children[0]->tag eq 'p'
233 0 0 4 /^(\040+)/ and length $1