Condition Coverage

Criterion Covered Total %
condition 52 76 68.4

and 2 conditions

line l !l condition
984 0 0 $self->num_errors(-1) and return

and 3 conditions

line !l l&&!r l&&r condition
630 0 24 59 $opts{'-severity'} and $opts{'-severity'} eq 'ERROR'
632 0 60 23 $opts{'-severity'} and $opts{'-severity'} eq 'WARNING'
676 1 0 0 @_ > 1 && $_[1]
817 189 0 66 $inner eq 'L' and $Pod::Simple::VERSION ge '3.33'
854 77 73 12 $self->{'_head_num'} == 1 and $self->{'_head_text'} eq 'NAME'
865 3 6 1 $self->{'_head_num'} == 1 and $self->{'_head_text'} eq 'NAME'
888 19 24 1 $h > 1 and not $$self{'_count_head' . ($h - 1)}
895 30 9 5 $self->{'_cmds_since_head'} == 1 and $prev_h >= $h
950 0 1 0 @{$self->{'paras'};} && $self->{'paras'}[0][0] =~ /Verbatim/i
136 0 1 $self->{'_thispara'} eq '' and not @{$self->{'paras'};} && $self->{'paras'}[0][0] =~ /Verbatim/i
1057 8 17 40 $link->type eq 'pod' and $link->node
25 20 20 $link->type eq 'pod' and $link->node and !$link->page || $self->{'_pod_name'} && $link->page eq $self->{'_pod_name'}
1136 46 19 1 $self->{'-page'} eq '' and $self->{'-node'} eq ''

or 2 conditions

line l !l condition
502 3 0 $infile ||= \*STDIN
503 3 0 $outfile ||= \*STDERR
545 0 5 $new->{'output_fh'} ||= *STDERR{'IO'}
551 1 4 $opts{'-quiet'} || 0
615 82 1 $opts{'-msg'} || ''
634 82 0 $self->{'output_fh'} || \*STDERR
992 25 62 $nodes{$1} ||= 2

or 3 conditions

line l !l&&r !l&&!r condition
630 0 59 24 not %opts or $opts{'-severity'} and $opts{'-severity'} eq 'ERROR'
632 0 23 60 not %opts or $opts{'-severity'} and $opts{'-severity'} eq 'WARNING'
636 82 0 0 $self->{'-warnings'} or not %opts
82 0 0 $self->{'-warnings'} or not %opts or $opts{'-severity'} ne 'WARNING'
1057 19 1 20 !$link->page || $self->{'_pod_name'} && $link->page eq $self->{'_pod_name'}
1113 0 66 0 $self->{'-line'} ||= $caller->{'_line'}
1114 0 66 0 $self->{'-type'} ||= $simple_link->{'type'}