Branch Coverage

Criterion Covered Total %
branch 54 64 84.3

line true false branch
50 0 175 unless UNIVERSAL::isa($$self{'analyzer'}, 'Plucene::Analysis::Analyzer')
52 0 175 unless $$self{'default'}
70 34 243 if s/^\s+//
74 19 224 if ($1)
76 0 19 if $$item{'conj'} eq '||'
79 4 239 if (s/^\+//) { }
6 233 elsif (s/^(-|!|NOT(?=[^\w:]))\s*//i) { }
83 148 95 if (s/^([^\s(":]+)://)
86 7 236 if (/^\(/) { }
9 227 elsif (/^"/) { }
2 225 elsif (s/^(\S+)\*//) { }
88 0 7 unless ($extracted)
96 0 9 unless ($extracted)
106 0 225 unless s/([^\s\^]+)//
109 2 223 if ($$item{'term'} =~ / /)
111 3 240 if s/^~(\d+)//
112 2 241 if (s/^\^(\d+(?:.\d+)?)//)
120 7 202 if ($ast)
141 174 35 if @$self == 1 and $$self[0]{'mods'} eq 'NONE'
157 12 57 if ($$term{'conj'} eq 'AND' and @$clauses)
160 12 0 unless $$clauses[-1]->prohibited
163 2 67 if ($Plucene::QueryParser::DefaultOperator eq 'AND' and $$term{'conj'} eq 'OR')
165 2 0 unless $$clauses[-1]->prohibited
168 0 69 unless $q
171 49 20 if ($Plucene::QueryParser::DefaultOperator eq 'OR') { }
178 8 41 if $$term{'conj'} eq 'AND' and not $prohibited
211 147 79 exists $$self{'field'} ? :
221 2 234 if exists $$self{'boost'}
234 1 10 if @words == 1
238 2 19 exists $$self{'field'} ? :
246 2 8 if (exists $$self{'slop'})
257 0 7 exists $$self{'field'} ? :