Branch Coverage

Criterion Covered Total %
branch 21 38 55.2

line true false branch
24 12 0 unless (defined $options{'verbose'})
28 2 10 if (ref $app) { }
3 7 elsif (not defined $app or $app eq '') { }
29 0 2 if (ref $app eq 'CODE') { }
1 1 elsif (eval { do { $app->can('to_app') } }) { }
40 0 10 if ($app =~ /^:?(\d+)$/ and $1 > 0) { }
0 10 elsif ($app eq 'localhost') { }
0 10 elsif ($app =~ m[^https?://]) { }
2 8 elsif (-f $app) { }
5 3 elsif ($app =~ /^[a-zA-Z0-9\_\:]+$/) { }
60 2 3 if (%{$module . '::';})
62 1 1 if (ref $app)
63 0 1 if $options{'verbose'}
73 0 2 if $options{'verbose'}
79 0 0 @_ % 2 ? :
91 0 0 if @headers
93 0 0 if length $req->content
99 0 0 if ($verbose)
105 0 0 if ($$res{'status'} == 599 and $verbose)