Branch Coverage

Criterion Covered Total %
branch 83 94 88.3

line true false branch
53 0 21 if not $self->INCLUDE_PATH and $self->root
72 19 16 unless $self->dir_index
73 18 17 unless defined $self->pass_through
74 17 18 unless $self->default_type
75 19 16 unless defined $self->decode_request
76 18 17 unless defined $self->encode_response
77 16 19 unless defined $self->request_vars
79 17 18 if (not $self->vars) { }
1 17 elsif (ref $self->vars eq 'HASH') { }
0 17 elsif (ref $self->vars ne 'CODE') { }
90 1755 30 unless $self->$_
95 17 18 if ($self->tt) { }
96 0 17 unless UNIVERSAL::isa($self->tt, 'Template')
98 0 17 if %$config
101 0 18 unless $$config{'INCLUDE_PATH'}
109 0 45 if $self->timer
112 4 41 if (not $res or $self->pass_through and $$res[0] == 404)
113 1 3 if ($self->app) { }
125 0 45 if ($self->timer)
140 38 13 if ($self->tt->process($template, $vars, \$content)) { }
145 37 1 if ($self->encode_response)
159 4 20 unless $code and $code =~ /^\d\d\d$/
160 6 18 unless $error
161 6 18 unless $type
165 12 12 unless $$self{$code} and $self->tt
168 4 8 unless blessed $req and $req->isa('Plack::Request')
179 4 8 unless (ref $res)
182 2 2 if ($code eq 500) { }
186 2 0 if (ref $req->logger)
193 10 2 wantarray ? :
202 53 0 if defined $self->vars
205 50 1 unless (exists $vars{'request'})
206 1 49 if ($rv eq 'all') { }
4 45 elsif (ref $rv and @$rv) { }
211 2 6 unless $req->can($_)
215 6 0 if ($self->decode_request)
218 4 2 if (blessed $value and $value->isa('Hash::MultiValue')) { }
238 14 37 if ($$env{'tt.vars'}) { }
252 43 2 if (not $$env{'tt.template'}) { }
259 2 41 'CODE' eq ref $path_match ? :
263 3 40 unless ($matched)
269 4 36 if $path =~ m[/$]
273 1 39 if ($extension and not $path =~ /$extension$/)
289 2 39 if ($@) { }
299 9 32 unless (ref $res)
301 6 3 if ($res =~ /file error .+ not found/) { }
304 3 0 if (ref $req->logger)