Condition Coverage

Criterion Covered Total %
condition 15 18 83.3

and 3 conditions

line !l l&&!r l&&r condition
53 0 2 15 ref $res and ref $res eq 'ARRAY'
85 6 2 9 $$self{'long_response_time'} == 0 and not $$self{'error_only'}
2 3 3 $$self{'long_response_time'} != 0 and $elapsed >= $$self{'long_response_time'}
1 2 2 $$self{'error_only'} and &HTTP::Status::is_error($$res[0])

or 3 conditions

line l !l&&r !l&&!r condition
85 9 0 8 $$self{'long_response_time'} == 0 and not $$self{'error_only'} or $$self{'long_response_time'} != 0 and $elapsed >= $$self{'long_response_time'}
3 0 5 $$self{'long_response_time'} == 0 and not $$self{'error_only'} or $$self{'long_response_time'} != 0 and $elapsed >= $$self{'long_response_time'} or $$self{'error_only'} and &HTTP::Status::is_error($$res[0])