Condition Coverage

Criterion Covered Total %
condition 1 51 1.9

and 3 conditions

line !l l&&!r l&&r condition
270 0 0 0 $has_syslogger and $$cfg{'syslog_host'}
336 0 0 0 $$stash{'whitelist'} and $$stash{'whitelist'}->find($ip)
348 0 0 0 $$stash{'blacklist'} and $$stash{'blacklist'}->find($ip)
359 0 0 0 exists $throttled{$ip} and $throttled{$ip} > $$cfg{'max_concurrent'}
365 0 0 0 defined $path_regex and not $uri =~ /$path_regex/
369 0 0 0 defined $method_regex and not $method =~ /$method_regex/
454 0 0 0 $$cfg{'ban_threshold'} and $violations >= $$cfg{'ban_threshold'}
544 0 0 0 $want_memcached and not $has_memcached
607 0 0 0 $entry and time < $$entry[0]

or 2 conditions

line l !l condition
16 0 1 $ENV{'THROTTLE_VERBOSE'} || 0
173 0 0 $$ss{'extra_config'} ||= {}
174 0 0 $$cfg{'_throttle_stash'} ||= {}
240 0 0 $$svc{'extra_config'} ||= {}
241 0 0 $$cfg{'_throttle_stash'} ||= {}
393 0 0 $violations ||= 0

or 3 conditions

line l !l&&r !l&&!r condition
180 0 0 0 $@ or not $$stash{'whitelist'}
190 0 0 0 $@ or not $$stash{'blacklist'}
320 0 0 0 $cp->observed_ip_string || $cp->peer_ip_string
496 0 0 0 $cp->observed_ip_string || $cp->peer_ip_string