Branch Coverage

Criterion Covered Total %
branch 21 26 80.7

line true false branch
27 0 645 if $offset > length $linestr
32 0 645 unless $doc
38 6738 138 unless $el->class eq 'PPI::Token::Operator' and $el->content eq '->'
39 0 138 unless my $word = $el->snext_sibling
40 29 109 unless $word->class eq 'PPI::Token::Word'
42 0 109 unless my $args = $word->snext_sibling
43 91 18 if ($args->class eq 'PPI::Structure::List') { }
0 18 elsif ($args->class ne 'PPI::Structure::Block') { }
44 56 35 unless my $block = $args->snext_sibling
45 31 4 unless $block->class eq 'PPI::Structure::Block'
54 623 22 unless $found
73 18 4 if ($word->snext_sibling->class eq 'PPI::Structure::Block') { }
77 10 8 if ($block_elements[0] eq '{' and $block_elements[-1] eq '}') { }