Condition Coverage

Criterion Covered Total %
condition 10 35 28.5

and 3 conditions

line !l l&&!r l&&r condition
232 1 0 0 $self->single_transformer and scalar $self->transformers != 1
466 0 3 0 is_integer($verbosity) and not is_valid_numeric_verbosity($verbosity)
509 0 0 3 $necessity >= $Perl::ToPerl6::Config::NECESSITY_LOWEST and $necessity <= $Perl::ToPerl6::Config::NECESSITY_HIGHEST
555 3 0 0 defined $args_value and $args_value ne ''
567 0 0 3 is_integer($top) and $top >= 0
699 0 0 3 $detail >= $Perl::ToPerl6::Config::NECESSITY_LOWEST and $detail <= $Perl::ToPerl6::Config::NECESSITY_HIGHEST

or 2 conditions

line l !l condition
377 0 0 $Perl::ToPerl6::Config::EVAL_ERROR || '<unknown reason>'

or 3 conditions

line l !l&&r !l&&!r condition
51 0 0 3 defined $args{-'top'} or defined $args{-'theme'}
52 0 0 0 $args{-'necessity'} ||= $Perl::ToPerl6::Config::NECESSITY_LOWEST
133 0 1 2 not defined $profile_source or $profile_source ne 'NONE'
164 0 0 0 $args{-'params'} || $args{-'config'}
670 0 0 3 $pager ||= $Perl::ToPerl6::Config::EMPTY