Branch Coverage

Criterion Covered Total %
branch 402 962 41.7

line true false branch
128 0 0 if $AUTOLOAD =~ /\bDESTROY$/
177 550 0 if ($ref) { }
178 0 550 if ($ref eq 'ARRAY') { }
550 0 elsif ($ref eq 'SCALAR') { }
191 0 0 if ($mode =~ /[rR]/)
195 0 0 if ($ref->can('getline')) { }
211 0 0 if ($mode =~ /[wW]/)
215 0 0 if ($ref->can('print')) { }
233 0 0 if ($filename eq '-') { }
234 0 0 $mode eq 'w' ? :
241 0 550 if (not $fh) { }
249 0 550 if ($is_encoded_data) { }
250 0 0 if (ref $fh eq 'IO::File') { }
0 0 elsif ($filename eq '-') { }
265 0 550 if (ref $fh eq 'IO::File') { }
0 550 elsif ($filename eq '-') { }
297 1109 3 if ($ref) { }
298 2 1107 if ($ref eq 'ARRAY') { }
1107 0 elsif ($ref eq 'SCALAR') { }
306 0 0 if ($ref->can('getline')) { }
326 0 3 if ($filename eq '-') { }
332 3 0 if (open my $fh, '<', $filename) { }
335 0 3 unless $fh->close
364 0 0 unless ($missing_file_spec)
375 0 0 if $test_name eq $name
376 0 0 if $Perl::Tidy::OSNAME eq "VMS"
381 0 0 if $test_name eq $name
451 2 558 if utf8::is_utf8($string)
602 0 560 if (my(@bad_keys) = grep({not exists $defaults{$_};} keys %input_hash))
618 0 2800 if (defined $hash_ref)
619 0 0 if (ref $hash_ref ne "HASH")
621 0 0 $what ? :
648 544 16 if ($stderr_stream) { }
651 0 544 unless ($fh_stderr)
669 0 0 if ($flag) { }
694 0 0 unless $input_stream_name
720 0 560 if (defined $dump_options) { }
721 0 0 unless (defined $dump_options_type)
724 0 0 if ($dump_options_type ne "perltidyrc" and $dump_options_type ne "full")
741 0 560 if ($user_formatter)
749 560 0 if (defined $argv)
752 0 560 if ($rargv eq "SCALAR")
755 0 560 if ($rargv) { }
756 0 0 if ($rargv eq 'ARRAY') { }
772 0 560 if ($msg)
796 0 560 if ($Perl::Tidy::OSNAME eq 'VMS') { }
822 555 9 unless $_ eq "-pbp"
833 0 560 if (defined $dump_getopt_flags)
844 0 0 if ($opt =~ /(.*)(!|=.*|:.*)$/)
852 0 560 if (defined $dump_options_category)
857 0 560 if (defined $dump_options_range)
862 0 560 if (defined $dump_abbreviations)
867 0 560 if (defined $dump_options)
872 0 560 if $quit_now
878 0 560 if ($rOpts->{'dump-options'})
888 0 560 if ($rOpts->{'dump-block-summary'} and $num_files != 1)
900 0 560 if ($user_formatter)
914 560 0 $rOpts->{'encode-output-strings'} ? :
917 0 560 unless (exists $default_file_extension{$rOpts->{'format'}})
935 1 559 if ($rOpts->{'format'} eq "html")
941 560 0 if ($output_extension)
945 0 560 if ($in_place_modify and $backup_extension)
959 560 0 if ($source_stream) { }
960 0 560 if (@Arg_files > 0)
971 3 557 unless ref $source_stream
976 0 0 unless @Arg_files
984 560 0 unless ($rOpts->{'use-unicode-gcstring'})
991 0 560 if (@Arg_files > 1)
998 0 0 if (@Arg_files > 1 and $rOpts->{'file-size-order'})
1002 0 0 -e $_ ? :
1056 0 560 $Warn_count ? :
1058 0 560 wantarray ? :
1060 0 0 wantarray ? :
1074 562 0 unless defined $extension
1080 562 0 if (length $extension == 0)
1082 0 562 unless defined $extension
1089 562 0 if ($extension =~ /^[a-zA-Z0-9]/)
1115 2 558 if ($in_place_modify)
1116 0 0 if ($rOpts->{'standard-output'} or $destination_stream or ref $source_stream or $rOpts->{'outfile'} or defined $rOpts->{'output-path'})
1126 0 560 if ($in_place_modify)
1147 0 0 if ($delete_backup > 1)
1157 0 560 if (defined $backup_method and $backup_method ne "copy" and $backup_method ne "move")
1186 0 0 unless (-f $input_file)
1195 0 0 if (-f $backup_file)
1196 0 0 unless unlink $backup_file
1203 0 0 unless File::Copy::copy($input_file, $backup_file)
1214 0 0 if (defined $write_time)
1215 0 0 unless utime $read_time, $write_time, $backup_file
1221 0 0 unless open my $fout, ">", $input_file
1226 0 0 if ($self->[8])
1232 0 0 if (ref $routput_string eq 'SCALAR') { }
1233 0 0 unless $fout->print(${$routput_string;})
1246 0 0 unless $fout->close
1256 0 0 if (not $self->[23] and defined $write_time)
1257 0 0 unless utime $read_time, $write_time, $input_file
1267 0 0 if ($delete_backup and -f $backup_file)
1271 0 0 if ($delete_backup > 1 and $self->[14]->get_warning_count)
1283 0 0 if (not -s $input_file and -s $backup_file and $delete_backup == 1) { }
1289 0 0 unless unlink $backup_file
1329 0 0 unless (-f $input_file)
1337 0 0 if (-f $backup_name)
1338 0 0 unless unlink $backup_name
1348 0 0 if (-l $input_file) { }
1349 0 0 unless File::Copy::copy($input_file, $backup_name)
1353 0 0 unless rename $input_file, $backup_name
1363 0 0 unless ($fout)
1371 0 0 if (ref $routput_string eq 'SCALAR') { }
1372 0 0 unless $fout->print(${$routput_string;})
1385 0 0 unless $fout->close
1395 0 0 if (not $self->[23] and defined $write_time)
1396 0 0 unless utime $read_time, $write_time, $input_file
1406 0 0 if ($delete_backup and -f $backup_name)
1410 0 0 if ($delete_backup > 1 and $self->[14]->get_warning_count)
1422 0 0 if (not -s $input_file and -s $backup_name and $delete_backup == 1) { }
1428 0 0 unless unlink $backup_name
1454 2 0 if ($uid_i != $uid_o or $gid_i != $gid_o)
1459 0 2 if ($in_place_modify and chown $uid_i, $gid_i, $output_file) { }
1468 0 2 if ($input_file_permissions != $output_file_permissions)
1490 2 0 unless ($in_place_modify)
1494 0 2 unless (chmod $output_file_permissions, $output_file)
1528 0 560 unless defined $rinput_string
1544 2 558 if (is_char_mode(${$rinput_string;})) { }
0 558 elsif (not $rOpts_character_encoding or $rOpts_character_encoding eq 'none') { }
549 9 elsif (lc $rOpts_character_encoding eq 'guess') { }
1572 2 547 if (${$rinput_string;} =~ /[^[:ascii:]]/)
1575 0 549 if ($decoder and ref $decoder) { }
1577 0 0 if ($encoding_in ne 'UTF-8' and $encoding_in ne 'utf8') { }
1586 0 0 if (not eval {
1620 0 9 if (not eval {
1652 11 549 $encoding_in ? :
1656 11 549 if ($is_encoded_data)
1662 11 549 $encoding_in ? :
1668 11 549 if ($is_encoded_data)
1672 0 11 unless (defined $loaded_unicode_gcstring)
1673 0 0 if (eval {
1678 0 0 if ($rOpts->{'use-unicode-gcstring'})
1691 0 11 if ($loaded_unicode_gcstring)
1733 4 556 if ($ole)
1743 0 4 unless ($line_separator_default)
1751 0 4 if ($rOpts->{'preserve-line-endings'})
1778 557 3 if ($str)
1780 557 0 if ($str =~ /(($CR|$LF)+)/) { }
1785 4 553 if ($test =~ /^($CRLF)+\z/) { }
0 553 elsif ($test =~ /^($CR)+\z/) { }
553 0 elsif ($test =~ /^($LF)+\z/) { }
1808 557 3 if (defined $input_line_separator)
1810 0 557 if ($rOpts->{'preserve-line-endings'})
1815 0 557 if ($input_line_separator ne "\n" and $input_line_separator eq $CR)
1819 0 0 if (@lines == 1)
1823 0 0 if (@lines > 1)
1888 557 3 if ($source_stream) { }
0 3 elsif ($input_file eq '-') { }
1897 556 1 unless (defined $logfile_stream)
1902 556 1 unless (defined $teefile_stream)
1905 555 2 unless (defined $debugfile_stream)
1917 0 3 unless (-e $input_file)
1920 0 0 if ($input_file =~ /([\?\*\[\{])/)
1924 0 0 if ($ifile =~ /^\'(.+)\'$/)
1925 0 0 if ($ifile =~ /^\"(.+)\"$/)
1928 0 0 if (opendir $dh, "./")
1930 0 0 if /$pattern/
1932 0 0 unless @files
1941 0 3 unless (-f $input_file)
1950 0 3 unless (-s $input_file)
1959 0 3 if ($size_in_mb > $rOpts->{'maximum-file-size-mb'})
1967 0 0 unless (-T $input_file or $rOpts->{'force-read-binary'})
1976 0 3 if ($in_place_modify and not -w $input_file)
1978 0 0 if (defined $backup_method and $backup_method eq "copy")
1989 0 3 if ($Perl::Tidy::OSNAME eq "VMS")
1995 0 3 if (defined $rOpts->{'output-path'})
1999 0 0 unless (-d $new_path)
2000 0 0 unless mkdir $new_path, 511
2006 0 0 unless ($fileroot)
2020 0 3 if (not $source_stream and $input_file =~ /$forbidden_file_extensions/ || $input_file eq 'DIAGNOSTICS')
2042 0 560 unless defined $rinput_string
2045 0 560 if $diagnostics_object
2058 0 560 if ($rOpts->{'outfile'}) { }
1 559 elsif ($rOpts->{'standard-output'}) { }
559 0 elsif ($destination_stream) { }
0 0 elsif ($source_stream) { }
0 0 elsif ($input_file eq '-') { }
2060 0 0 if ($number_of_files <= 1) { }
2062 0 0 if ($rOpts->{'standard-output'})
2065 0 0 if $saw_pbp
2069 0 0 if ($destination_stream)
2075 0 0 if (defined $rOpts->{'output-path'})
2079 0 0 if (defined $rOpts->{'output-file-extension'})
2087 0 0 if ($output_file =~ /^-/)
2092 0 0 if (@input_file_stat and $output_file eq $input_file)
2101 0 1 if ($destination_stream)
2105 0 0 if $saw_pbp
2111 1 0 if ($number_of_files <= 1) { }
2131 0 0 if ($in_place_modify) { }
2150 544 16 if ($errorfile_stream)
2152 557 3 if ($logfile_stream)
2165 558 2 if $encoding_log_message
2169 0 560 if (${$rpending_logfile_message;})
2172 0 560 if (${$rpending_complaint;})
2199 559 1 if ($rOpts->{'format'} eq "tidy" and defined $routput_string)
2214 560 0 if $logger_object
2245 0 559 if ($in_place_modify) { }
554 5 elsif (ref $output_file) { }
2249 0 0 unless ($self->[22])
2257 0 0 if (defined $backup_method and $backup_method eq 'copy') { }
2294 1 4 if ($output_file eq '-') { }
2296 1 0 if ($is_encoded_data) { }
2305 4 0 if (open my $fh, '>', $output_file) { }
2306 3 1 if ($is_encoded_data) { }
2309 0 4 unless $fh->close
2316 4 0 if ($output_file and -f $output_file and not -l $output_file)
2317 2 2 if (@{$rinput_file_stat;})
2325 4 1 if ($is_encoded_data)
2370 0 560 unless (defined $rinput_string)
2373 0 560 if (ref $rinput_string ne "SCALAR")
2393 559 1 if ($rOpts->{'format'} eq "tidy")
2399 1 558 if ($line_tidy_begin)
2404 0 1 if ($line_tidy_begin > $num) { }
2411 0 1 if (not defined $line_tidy_end or $line_tidy_end > $num)
2426 2 557 if ($rOpts->{'assert-tidy'} or $rOpts->{'assert-untidy'} or $rOpts->{'backup-and-modify-in-place'})
2448 1 559 if ($prefilter)
2461 1 559 if ($rOpts->{'format'} ne "tidy")
2469 1 558 if ($postfilter)
2474 2 557 if (defined $digest_input)
2482 0 559 if ($rOpts->{'assert-tidy'})
2483 0 0 if ($self->[23])
2495 0 559 if ($rOpts->{'assert-untidy'})
2496 0 0 unless ($self->[23])
2506 1 558 if (@input_lines_pre or @input_lines_post)
2519 0 559 if ($self->[11] ne "\n")
2533 1 558 if ($chomp_terminal_newline)
2572 2 558 if ($rOpts->{'DEBUG'})
2582 0 559 if ($rOpts->{'tee-pod'} or $rOpts->{'tee-block-comments'} or $rOpts->{'tee-side-comments'})
2590 0 1 unless ($fh_tee)
2601 559 1 if ($rOpts->{'format'} eq "tidy")
2608 0 559 if (not defined $max_iterations or $max_iterations <= 0)
2614 0 559 if ($max_iterations > 6)
2619 3 556 if ($max_iterations > 1)
2648 2 560 if ($iter > 1)
2650 0 2 if $debugger_object
2653 0 0 if ($fh_tee and $fh_tee->can("close") and not ref $tee_file and $tee_file ne "-")
2658 0 0 unless $fh_tee->close
2673 0 562 if ($user_formatter) { }
1 561 elsif ($rOpts->{'format'} eq 'html') { }
561 0 elsif ($rOpts->{'format'} eq 'tidy') { }
2708 0 562 unless ($formatter)
2734 5 0 if ($max_iterations > 1 and not defined $iteration_of_formatter_convergence and $formatter->can("get_convergence_check"))
2738 3 2 if ($formatter->get_convergence_check)
2746 4 558 if ($iter < $max_iterations)
2754 0 4 if ($stop_now) { }
2767 3 1 if (not defined $saw_md5{$digest}) { }
2775 0 1 if ($saw_md5{$digest} != $iterm) { }
2790 0 0 if $diagnostics_object
2802 0 1 if $diagnostics_object and $iterm > 2
2810 2 2 if ($stop_now)
2840 2 558 if $debugger_object
2842 0 0 if ($fh_tee and $fh_tee->can("close") and not ref $tee_file and $tee_file ne "-")
2847 0 0 unless $fh_tee->close
2853 1 559 if $convergence_log_message
2878 562 0 if ($formatter->can("finish_formatting"))
2898 0 554 if (ref $routput eq 'ARRAY') { }
554 0 elsif (ref $routput eq 'SCALAR') { }
2915 554 0 if ($ref_destination_stream eq 'SCALAR' or $ref_destination_stream eq 'ARRAY') { }
0 0 elsif ($ref_destination_stream->can('print')) { }
2936 6 548 if ($encode_destination_buffer)
2938 0 6 if (not eval {
2959 551 3 if ($ref_destination_stream eq 'SCALAR') { }
3 0 elsif (defined $destination_buffer) { }
2964 3 0 if ($ref_destination_stream eq 'ARRAY') { }
2973 0 0 if ($ref_destination_stream->can("close"))
3001 0 0 if (defined $s1 and defined $s2)
3009 0 0 if ($count == 1)
3016 0 0 wantarray ? :
3025 0 0 defined $rbufi ? :
3026 0 0 defined $rbufo ? :
3029 0 0 unless $leni and $leno
3037 0 0 if (length $str > $lenmax)
3043 0 0 if ($linei)
3051 0 0 if (defined $linei)
3052 0 0 if (defined $lineo)
3055 0 0 unless defined $linei and defined $lineo
3057 0 0 if $linei eq $lineo
3064 0 0 if ($linei =~ /^(\s+)/)
3065 0 0 if ($lineo =~ /^(\s+)/)
3066 0 0 if ($leading_ws_i ne $leading_ws_o) { }
3068 0 0 if ($leading_ws_i =~ /\t/)
3075 0 0 if ($linei =~ /(\s+)$/)
3076 0 0 if ($lineo =~ /(\s+)$/)
3077 0 0 if ($trailing_ws_i ne $trailing_ws_o)
3084 0 0 if ($pos1 > 60)
3094 0 0 if ($last_nonblank_line)
3109 0 0 if ($counti > $counto) { }
0 0 elsif ($counti < $counto) { }
3145 0 560 if ($Windows_type)
3150 552 8 if ($config_file)
3156 2 558 if ($rOpts->{'DEBUG'} or $rOpts->{'show-options'})
3263 138384 0 if ($short_name)
3264 0 138384 if ($expansion{$short_name})
3271 70866 67518 if ($flag eq "!")
3274 0 70866 if ($expansion{$nshort_name})
3608 44082 141732 unless (defined $option_category{$long_name})
3609 558 43524 if ($long_name =~ /^html-linked/) { }
558 42966 elsif ($long_name =~ /^pod2html/) { }
4045 7 553 if ($use_cache) { }
4047 2 5 if (my $result = $process_command_line_cache{$cache_key}) { }
4055 5 0 if $retvals[0]{'memoize'}
4079 558 0 if (eval {
4081 0 558 if (not $ok and 0)
4100 558 0 if ($dump_options_type ne "perltidyrc")
4103 0 558 unless (&GetOptions(\%Opts, @{$roption_string;}))
4123 6 15 if ($i =~ /^-(npro|noprofile|no-profile)$/) { }
0 15 elsif ($i =~ /^-(dump-profile|dpro)$/) { }
0 15 elsif ($i =~ /^-(pro|profile)=(.+)/) { }
0 15 elsif ($i =~ /^-(pro|profile)=?$/) { }
0 15 elsif ($i =~ /^-(?: help | [ h \? ] )$/xi) { }
0 15 elsif ($i =~ /^-(version|v)$/) { }
0 15 elsif ($i =~ /^-(dump-defaults|ddf)$/) { }
0 15 elsif ($i =~ /^-(dump-long-names|dln)$/) { }
0 15 elsif ($i =~ /^-(dump-short-names|dsn)$/) { }
0 15 elsif ($i =~ /^-(dump-token-types|dtt)$/) { }
4132 0 0 if ($config_file)
4140 0 0 if (defined $config_file)
4141 0 0 if (my($start_dir, $search_file) = $config_file =~ m[^(.*)\.\.\./(.*)$])
4144 0 0 unless $start_dir
4146 0 0 if (my $found_file = find_file_upwards($start_dir, $search_file))
4153 0 0 unless (-e $config_file)
4192 0 558 if ($saw_dump_profile and $saw_ignore_profile)
4200 552 6 unless ($saw_ignore_profile)
4205 552 0 if ($perltidyrc_stream)
4206 0 552 if ($config_file) { }
4222 0 552 unless $config_file
4229 552 0 if ($config_file)
4231 0 552 unless (defined $rconfig_string)
4237 0 552 if ($saw_dump_profile)
4243 552 0 if (defined $rconfig_string)
4247 0 552 if $death_message
4251 218 334 if (@{$rconfig_list;})
4257 0 218 unless (&GetOptions(\%Opts, @{$roption_string;}))
4268 0 218 if (@ARGV)
4272 0 0 if (length $str < 70) { }
4309 0 2834 if (defined $Opts{$_})
4324 0 558 unless (&GetOptions(\%Opts, @{$roption_string;}))
4329 558 0 if (defined $glc)
4331 0 558 if (not $ok and 0)
4358 0 560 if ($exclude_string)
4367 0 560 if ($is_excluded_word{'*'})
4371 3 557 if ($input_string) { }
4383 3936 0 if ($word)
4384 0 3936 unless ($word =~ /^\w[\w\d]*$/)
4389 3922 0 unless ($seen{$word} or $is_excluded_word{$word})
4419 3 0 if (defined $input_string and length $input_string)
4426 3 0 if ($rforced_words)
4432 11 0 if ($word)
4435 0 11 if ($word =~ /^\d/ or not $word =~ /^\w[\w\d]*$/)
4438 11 0 unless ($seen{$word})
4464 0 560 unless ($encoding =~ /^\s*(?:guess|none|utf8|utf-8)\s*$/i)
4476 0 560 if (defined $rOpts->{'vertical-tightness'})
4483 1 559 if (defined $rOpts->{'vertical-tightness-closing'})
4490 0 560 if (defined $rOpts->{'closing-token-indentation'})
4504 1096 1144 if ($rOpts->{$key})
4505 0 1096 if ($rOpts->{$key} < 0)
4509 0 1096 if ($rOpts->{$key} > 100)
4524 1 559 if (defined $rOpts->{'logfile-gap'} and $rOpts->{'logfile-gap'} >= 0)
4531 3 0 unless ($rOpts->{'add-whitespace'} or $rOpts->{'delete-old-whitespace'} or $rOpts->{'add-newlines'} or $rOpts->{'delete-old-newlines'})
4540 5 555 if ($rOpts->{'indent-spaced-block-comments'})
4545 3 557 if ($rOpts->{'opening-brace-always-on-right'})
4547 0 3 if ($rOpts->{'opening-brace-on-new-line'})
4554 0 3 if ($rOpts->{'brace-left-and-indent'})
4564 538 22 unless (defined $rOpts->{'opening-brace-on-new-line'})
4568 2 558 if ($rOpts->{'entab-leading-whitespace'})
4569 0 2 if ($rOpts->{'entab-leading-whitespace'} < 0)
4575 1 1 if ($rOpts->{'tabs'})
4588 560 0 if ($rOpts->{'default-tabsize'}) { }
4589 0 560 if ($rOpts->{'default-tabsize'} < 0)
4593 0 560 if ($rOpts->{'default-tabsize'} > 20)
4603 3 557 if (defined $rOpts->{'sub-alias-list'} and length $rOpts->{'sub-alias-list'})
4620 6 554 unless ($rOpts->{'fuzzy-line-length'})
4621 0 6 if ($rOpts->{'maximum-line-length'} != 1 or $rOpts->{'continuation-indentation'} != 0)
4629 0 560 if ($rOpts->{'short-concatenation-item-length'} > 12)
4640 3 557 if ($rOpts->{'freeze-whitespace'})
4650 1 559 if ($line_range_tidy)
4652 0 1 if ($num_files > 1)
4659 1 0 if ($line_range_tidy =~ /^(\d+):(\d+)?$/) { }
4662 0 1 if ($n1 < 1)
4667 0 1 if (defined $n2 and $n2 < $n1)
4693 0 0 if (-f $try_path) { }
0 0 elsif ($search_dir eq '/') { }
4730 5 2561 if ($word =~ /^(-[-]?no)-(.*)/)
4733 2566 0 if ($word =~ /^-[-]?([\w\-]+)(.*)/) { }
4739 558 2008 if ($pass_count == 0)
4745 471 2095 if ($$rexpansion{$abr . $flags})
4751 949 1617 if ($rexpansion->{$abr}) { }
4757 0 1452 unless $abbrev
4776 776 327 unless $abbrev_count
4779 0 327 if ($pass_count == $max_passes)
4787 0 0 if ($num < 50) { }
4799 0 0 if ($config_file) { }
4845 0 0 unless $base =~ s/;-?\d*$//
4859 0 0 unless $base =~ /(?:^|[^^])\./
4862 0 0 $base =~ /\.$/ ? :
4879 0 0 unless $Perl::Tidy::OSNAME =~ /win32|dos/i
4892 0 0 if (not $ok and 0)
4903 0 0 unless $id
4921 0 0 unless (defined $os)
4935 0 0 $os eq '2000' && $major != 5 ? :
4945 0 560 if $is_Windows
4958 0 0 if ($is_Windows) { }
4968 0 0 unless $config_file
4978 0 0 if ($config_file)
4979 0 0 if (my($start_dir, $search_file) = $config_file =~ m[^(.*)\.\.\./(.*)$])
4984 0 0 unless $start_dir
4986 0 0 if (my $found_file = find_file_upwards($start_dir, $search_file))
5001 0 0 if &$exists_config_file($config_file)
5002 0 0 if ($is_Windows)
5004 0 0 if &$exists_config_file($config_file)
5012 0 0 if $Perl::Tidy::OSNAME =~ /win32/i
5017 0 0 if (defined $ENV{$var}) { }
5021 0 0 if ($var eq "PERLTIDY")
5024 0 0 if &$exists_config_file($config_file)
5030 0 0 if &$exists_config_file($config_file)
5032 0 0 if ($is_Windows)
5035 0 0 if &$exists_config_file($config_file)
5045 0 0 if ($is_Windows) { }
0 0 elsif ($Perl::Tidy::OSNAME eq 'OS2') { }
0 0 elsif ($Perl::Tidy::OSNAME eq 'MacOS') { }
0 0 elsif ($Perl::Tidy::OSNAME eq 'VMS') { }
5047 0 0 if ($Windows_type)
5053 0 0 if ($allusers)
5056 0 0 if &$exists_config_file($config_file)
5059 0 0 if &$exists_config_file($config_file)
5066 0 0 if &$exists_config_file($config_file)
5069 0 0 if &$exists_config_file($config_file)
5085 0 0 if &$exists_config_file($config_file)
5088 0 0 if &$exists_config_file($config_file)
5103 0 0 unless ($os)
5105 0 0 unless $os
5110 0 0 if ($os =~ /9[58]|Me/) { }
0 0 elsif ($os =~ /NT|XP|200?/) { }
5114 0 0 $os =~ /XP/ ? :
5115 0 0 $os =~ /NT/ ? :
5128 0 0 wantarray ? :
5134 0 0 if ($rconfig_string) { }
5162 0 431 if $death_message
5163 34 397 unless $line
5165 0 397 unless $line
5173 0 397 if ($line =~ /^((\w+)\s*\{)(.*)?$/) { }
0 397 elsif ($line =~ /^{/) { }
0 397 elsif ($line =~ /^(.*)?\}$/) { }
5177 0 0 if $opening_brace_line
5179 0 0 unless $body and $body =~ s/\}$//
5182 0 0 if ($rexpansion->{$name})
5204 0 0 if ($opening_brace_line) { }
5218 397 0 if ($body)
5221 0 397 if ($msg)
5230 0 397 if ($name) { }
5242 0 552 if ($opening_brace_line)
5256 29 402 if ($instr =~ /^\s*#/)
5261 373 29 unless ($instr =~ /#/)
5266 16 13 unless ($instr =~ /['"]/)
5283 64 293 if ($quote_char) { }
5284 12 52 if ($instr =~ /\G($quote_char)/cg) { }
52 0 elsif ($instr =~ /\G(.)/cg) { }
5306 12 281 if ($instr =~ /\G([\"\'])/cg) { }
8 273 elsif ($instr =~ /\G#/cg) { }
268 5 elsif ($instr =~ /\G(.)/cg) { }
5345 0 957 unless (defined $body)
5350 615 5027 if ($quote_char) { }
5351 71 544 if ($body =~ /\G($quote_char)/cg) { }
544 0 elsif ($body =~ /\G(.)/cg) { }
5360 0 0 if (length $part)
5371 71 4956 if ($body =~ /\G([\"\'])/cg) { }
155 4801 elsif ($body =~ /\G(\s+)/cg) { }
3844 957 elsif ($body =~ /\G(.)/cg) { }
5375 155 0 if (length $part)
5382 409 548 if (length $part)
5432 179118 7362 if ($opt =~ /(.*)(!|=.*)$/)
5436 64713 121767 if (defined $rOpts->{$opt})
5445 64465 255 if ($flag)
5446 32464 32001 if ($flag =~ /^=/) { }
32001 0 elsif ($flag =~ /^!/) { }
5447 2879 29585 unless ($value =~ /^\d+$/)
5451 9035 22966 unless $value