Branch Coverage

Criterion Covered Total %
branch 1098 1748 62.8

line true false branch
233 0 0 if $AUTOLOAD =~ /\bDESTROY$/
268 0 0 if (not ref $self) { }
270 0 0 if ($self and length $self < 200)
308 1106 2 unless ($param)
310 0 1108 unless ($param =~ /^#/)
314 0 1108 if (bad_pattern($pattern))
338 554 0 if ($rOpts->{'sub-alias-list'})
388 554 0 if ($rOpts->{'grep-alias-list'})
525 0 556 if ($rOpts->{'experimental'} and $rOpts->{'experimental'} =~ /\bci(\d+)\b/)
532 0 556 unless $self->[19]
533 12 544 unless $self->[20]
543 0 556 if (_increment_count() > 1)
573 0 0 if ($logger_object)
586 0 0 if ($logger_object)
597 32 0 if ($logger_object)
609 1834 6 if ($logger_object)
620 0 0 if ($logger_object)
631 0 0 if ($logger_object)
642 0 0 if ($logger_object)
656 0 0 if ($logger_object)
671 0 0 if ($logger_object)
684 0 0 if ($diagnostics_object)
713 554 2 if ($logger_object)
720 0 556 unless defined $maxle
721 0 556 unless defined $maxue
724 0 556 if ($level != $self->[17])
727 0 0 if ($level_diff < 0)
732 0 0 if ($maxle >= 0 and $level_diff > $maxle)
746 0 556 if ($self->[52] > 2)
750 0 556 if ($self->[21] and not $self->[36])
757 0 556 if ($self->[6])
761 0 556 if ($self->[12])
766 0 556 if ($self->[11])
771 0 0 if ($self->[38] or $self->[37]) { }
785 0 556 if ($self->[1])
790 0 0 if ($here_doc_target) { }
803 0 0 if ($nearly_matched_here_target_at)
811 0 556 if ($self->[14])
815 0 0 $self->[13] ? :
824 0 556 if ($self->[31])
835 0 556 if ($maxue > 0 and $ue_count > $maxue)
842 540 16 unless ($self->[27])
843 0 540 if ($] < 5.006) { }
851 0 556 if ($self->[26])
856 542 14 unless ($self->[28])
862 12 544 if ($self->[49])
877 2 0 unless ($self->[29])
880 0 2 if ($] < "5.006")
913 556 7649 unless $input_line
920 7649 0 if (chomp $input_line)
926 24 7625 if ($other_line_endings{substr $input_line, -1})
927 24 0 if ($input_line =~ s/((\r|\035|\032)+)$//)
987 24 7625 if ($self->[1]) { }
3 7622 elsif ($self->[6]) { }
44 7578 elsif ($self->[11]) { }
8 7570 elsif ($self->[12]) { }
0 7570 elsif ($self->[7]) { }
1 7569 elsif ($self->[4]) { }
48 7521 elsif ($self->[5]) { }
997 4 20 if ($here_quote_character =~ /^\s/)
1000 9 15 if ($candidate_target eq $here_doc_target) { }
1006 0 9 if (@{$rhere_target_list;}) { }
1029 0 15 if ($candidate_target eq $here_doc_target)
1039 1 2 if ($input_line =~ /^\.[\s#]*$/) { }
1045 1 0 unless ($self->[6])
1057 0 2 if ($input_line =~ /^\s*format\s+\w+/)
1071 19 25 if ($input_line =~ /^=cut/)
1076 0 44 if ($input_line =~ /^\#\!.*perl\b/ and not $self->[5])
1089 2 6 if ($input_line =~ /$code_skipping_pattern_end/) { }
0 6 elsif ($input_line =~ /$code_skipping_pattern_begin/) { }
1121 0 1 if ($input_line =~ /^=(\w+)\b/ and $1 ne 'cut') { }
1140 6 42 if ($input_line =~ /^=(\w+)\b/ and $1 ne 'cut') { }
1153 6973 548 unless ($self->[36])
1154 15 6958 if ($input_line =~ /^\#\!.*perl\b/)
1158 0 15 if ($input_line =~ /^\#\!.*perl\s.*-.*P/)
1162 8 7 if ($input_line =~ /^\#\!.*perl\s.*-.*w/)
1166 1 14 if ($input_line_number > 1 and not $last_nonblank_block_type && $last_nonblank_block_type eq 'BEGIN' and not $self->[21] and $input_line =~ /^\#\!(\s+)?(\S+)?perl/) { }
1196 0 1 if ($self->[40]) { }
1216 5 7502 if ($self->[21] and not $self->[36])
1225 0 7502 if ($input_line_number == 1 and $input_line =~ /^\s*\:\s*\#/)
1246 0 7502 if ($self->[7])
1255 13 7489 if ($self->[11])
1261 0 13 if ($input_line =~ /^=cut\b/) { }
1262 0 0 if ($self->[38] or $self->[37]) { }
1285 2 7487 if ($self->[12])
1294 9 7478 if (@{$rhere_target_list;})
1308 1 7486 if ($self->[4]) { }
6 7480 elsif ($self->[5]) { }
1314 0 1 if ($self->[35])
1329 0 6 if ($self->[34])
1341 553 310 unless ($self->[40] or $input_line =~ /^\s*$/ or $input_line =~ /^\s*#/)
1348 7 7473 if ($self->[42])
1354 1 7479 if ($self->[6])
1358 49 7431 if ($self->[14] and $self->[16] < 0) { }
48 14631 elsif ($self->[16] >= 0 and not $self->[14]) { }
1363 48 1 unless ((my $quote_target = $self->[15]) =~ /^\s*$/)
1392 1 555 if ($self->[18]) { }
1 554 elsif ($self->[21]) { }
1411 13 853 if ($i == 1 and $line =~ /^\#\!/)
1415 296 557 if $line =~ /^\s*#/
1416 18 539 if $line =~ /^\s*$/
1450 539 0 if ($line =~ /^(\t+)?(\s+)?(\w+:[^:])?/)
1454 2 537 if ($1)
1456 77 462 if ($2)
1459 1 0 if ($3 and $self->[24])
1468 0 539 unless $indent_columns
1482 0 0 if ($ris_block_list_function->{$pkg}{$sub})
1486 0 0 if ($ris_block_function->{$pkg}{$sub})
1881 8 0 if ($pretoken and length $pretoken > $numc and substr($pretoken, $numc) =~ /^(\d*)(.*)$/) { }
1888 8 0 defined $1 ? :
1889 8 0 defined $2 ? :
1906 5 3 if ($len_1)
1915 4 4 if ($len_2)
1949 115 117 defined $flag ? :
2098 0 0 unless $replacement_text =~ /<</
2127 0 0 if ($tokenizer->[1])
2134 0 0 if ($tokenizer->[0])
2175 3 483 if ($split_pretoken_flag)
2178 3 0 if ($i > 0 and $$rtokens[$i - 1] eq '^' and $self->split_pretoken(1)) { }
2244 6 4773 if ($last_nonblank_token eq '->') { }
4666 107 elsif (not $id_scan_state and $i_plus_1 <= $max_token_index and $fast_scan_context{$tok}) { }
0 107 elsif ($tok eq '->' and $i < $max_token_index and $rtokens->[$i_plus_1] eq '{' || $rtokens->[$i_plus_1] eq '[') { }
2258 4378 288 if ($rtoken_type->[$i_plus_1] eq 'w') { }
30 258 elsif ($rtoken_type->[$i_plus_1] eq '{' and $tok_begin eq '@' || $tok_begin eq '%') { }
2260 4262 116 if ($i_plus_1 < $max_token_index)
2262 1699 2563 if ($rtoken_type->[$i_next] eq "b" and $i_next < $max_token_index)
2269 4270 108 if ($pretype_next ne ":" and $pretype_next ne "'")
2346 479 4300 unless ($fast_scan_type)
2374 8 0 if ($input_line =~ /\G\s*
2383 0 8 $1 ? :
2394 7 1 if ($input_line =~ /\s*(\S)/cgx)
2395 1 7 if (not $next_char or $next_char eq "#")
2401 0 8 unless ($next_char)
2412 3 5 unless ($next_char =~ /^[\(\:\{\;\}]/)
2446 0 6 unless (new_statement_ok())
2453 6 0 if ($input_line =~ /\G\s*
2462 3 3 $1 ? :
2470 5 1 if ($input_line =~ /\s*(\S)/cgx)
2471 1 5 if (not $next_char or $next_char eq "#")
2476 0 6 unless ($next_char)
2491 2 4 unless ($next_char =~ /^[\:\d\{\;\}]/)
2543 343 0 if ($typ_d ne "d" and $typ_d eq '+' || $typ_d eq '-' and $i_d < $max_token_index)
2554 1710 261 if ($typ_d eq "d" and $i_d == $max_token_index || $i_d < $max_token_index && $$rtoken_type[$i_d + 1] ne '.' && $$rtoken_type[$i_d + 1] ne 'w')
2568 1653 57 if ($tok_d eq 0 or substr($tok_d, 0, 1) ne 0)
2604 619 1653 unless (defined $number)
2613 9 0 if ($expecting == -1)
2614 0 9 if ($really_want_term{$last_nonblank_type})
2626 0 769 if ($expecting == 1)
2627 0 0 unless (defined $thing)
2630 0 0 if ($i_tok == 0)
2652 0 31 if $expecting == -1
2662 0 4 if $expecting == -1
2673 0 4024 if $expecting == 1
2677 1 4023 if ($identifier eq "\$^W")
2684 62 3926 if ($is_indirect_object_taker{$last_nonblank_token} and $last_nonblank_type eq "k" or $last_nonblank_token eq "(" and $is_indirect_object_taker{$rparen_type->[$paren_depth]} or ($last_nonblank_type eq "w" or $last_nonblank_type eq "U"))
2699 93 5 if $next_nonblank_type ne "->"
2711 68 2053 if ($want_paren) { }
14 2039 elsif ($statement_type =~ /^sub\b/) { }
2723 3 2036 if ($expecting == 1 and not $last_nonblank_token =~ /^([\]\}\)\&]|\-\>)/)
2737 0 3 if ($last_last_nonblank_token eq 'do') { }
2753 0 3 if ($next_nonblank_token ne ")" and $next_nonblank_token ne "#")
2760 0 0 if ($last_nonblank_type eq 'C') { }
0 0 elsif ($last_nonblank_type eq 'i') { }
2765 0 0 if ($i_tok > 0 and $last_nonblank_token =~ /^\$/)
2772 0 0 if ($hint)
2787 2120 1 if $last_nonblank_token ne ")"
2797 61 2060 if ($last_nonblank_token eq '(') { }
2830 0 2121 if ($last_nonblank_type eq ")")
2847 2121 0 if ($rparen_structural_type->[$paren_depth] eq "{")
2855 24 2097 if ($container_type =~ /^sub\b/)
2860 69 2052 if ($is_for_foreach{$rparen_type->[$paren_depth]})
2862 0 69 if ($num_sc > 0 and $num_sc != 2)
2867 2121 0 if ($paren_depth > 0)
2876 10 3065 if ($last_nonblank_type eq ',') { }
0 6130 elsif ($last_nonblank_token eq '(' and $last_nonblank_type eq '{') { }
2887 6 3069 if ($statement_type eq "use")
2902 35 2413 if ($is_for_foreach{$rparen_type->[$paren_depth]})
2910 34 1 if ($brace_depth == $rdepth_array->[2][0][$paren_depth] and $square_bracket_depth == $rdepth_array->[2][1][$paren_depth])
2927 0 1124 if $expecting == 1
2940 0 1160 if $expecting == 1
2953 0 0 if $expecting == 1
2970 0 207 if ($last_nonblank_type eq 'k' and $is_keyword_rejecting_slash_as_pattern_delimiter{$last_nonblank_token}) { }
0 207 elsif ($expecting == 0) { }
2984 0 0 if ($msg)
2991 78 129 if ($is_pattern) { }
2998 0 129 if ($$rtokens[$i + 1] eq "=")
3033 38 1621 if ($statement_type =~ /^(sub|package)\b/) { }
0 1621 elsif ($statement_type eq 'case' || $statement_type eq 'when' and $statement_type eq $last_nonblank_token) { }
237 1384 elsif ($last_nonblank_token eq ')') { }
0 1384 elsif ($last_nonblank_token eq 'qw' and $is_for_foreach{$want_paren}) { }
3053 0 237 unless (defined $last_nonblank_token)
3058 14 223 unless ($is_blocktype_with_paren{$last_nonblank_token})
3059 14 0 if ($self->[50]) { }
3083 0 0 if ($last_last_nonblank_token eq $want_paren)
3098 363 1296 if (is_non_structural_brace()) { }
3104 0 0 if ($statement_type eq "when" and $last_nonblank_type eq "i" and $last_last_nonblank_type eq "k" and $i_tok == 0 || $$rtoken_type[$i_tok - 1] eq 'b')
3124 34 929 if ($block_type and $last_nonblank_type eq "w" and $last_nonblank_i >= 0)
3128 34 0 if ($routput_token_type->[$last_nonblank_i] eq "w")
3130 5 29 $is_grep_alias{$block_type} ? :
3136 38 1258 if ($statement_type eq "case" or $statement_type eq "when")
3139 4 34 if (not $block_type or $block_type eq "}")
3151 1655 4 if substr($block_type, 0, 8) ne "package "
3167 967 692 if ($block_type)
3168 1655 4 if (defined $rbrace_package->[$brace_depth]) { }
3178 363 1296 if ($rbrace_structural_type->[$brace_depth] eq "L")
3185 83 1576 if ($is_block_operator{$block_type})
3190 1659 0 if ($brace_depth > 0)
3203 107 19 if ($expecting != 1) { }
3209 104 3 if ($expecting == -1 or $next_type ne "b")
3223 8 21 if ($expecting != 1) { }
3253 1 186 if ($last_nonblank_type eq 'k' and $is_keyword_rejecting_question_as_pattern_delimiter{$last_nonblank_token}) { }
1 185 elsif ($last_nonblank_type =~ /^[FUY]$/) { }
11 174 elsif ($expecting == 0) { }
3284 11 0 if ($msg)
3288 0 187 if ($is_pattern) { }
3306 0 238 if ($expecting == 0 and $last_nonblank_type eq "Z")
3307 0 0 if ($next_type ne "b" and $next_type ne "(" and $next_type ne "#")
3314 21 217 if ($expecting == -1) { }
3319 0 217 if ($$rtokens[$i + 1] eq '=') { }
36 181 elsif ($$rtokens[$i + 1] eq '*') { }
3328 0 36 if ($$rtokens[$i + 1] eq "=")
3343 10 140 if ($expecting != 1) { }
3345 2 8 if ($type eq ".")
3346 0 2 if $expecting == -1
3363 0 271 if ($input_line_number == 1 and $last_nonblank_i == -1) { }
22 249 elsif ($statement_type =~ /^(sub|package)\b/) { }
1 248 elsif ($rparen_type->[$paren_depth] =~ /^sub\b/ and not is_balanced_closing_container(3)) { }
15 233 elsif ($is_my_our_state{$statement_type} and $rcurrent_depth->[3] == 0) { }
46 187 elsif ($is_case_default{$statement_type} and not is_balanced_closing_container(3)) { }
3415 0 187 if ($last_nonblank_token eq "?")
3427 13 214 if ($expecting == -1) { }
211 3 elsif ($expecting == 1) { }
3431 13 0 unless (defined $number)
3436 2 1 if ($next_type eq "w")
3446 0 438 if $expecting == 1
3458 0 202 if ($expecting == 0)
3459 0 0 if ($next_type ne "b" and $next_type ne "(")
3463 192 10 if ($expecting == -1)
3482 287 307 unless (is_non_structural_brace())
3498 287 307 if ($rsquare_bracket_structural_type->[$square_bracket_depth] eq "{")
3506 20 574 if ($rsquare_bracket_type->[$square_bracket_depth] eq "~~")
3510 594 0 if ($square_bracket_depth > 0)
3519 10 431 if ($expecting != 1 and $is_file_test_operator{$next_tok}) { }
330 101 elsif ($expecting == -1) { }
97 4 elsif ($expecting == 1) { }
3528 0 10 if ($next_nonblank_token eq '=') { }
3541 288 42 unless (defined $number)
3548 4 0 if ($next_type eq "w")
3561 5 7 if ($expecting == -1)
3563 5 0 if ($last_nonblank_token eq '{' and not $next_tok =~ /^\d/ and $next_tok =~ /^\w/) { }
3568 1 4 if ($next_tok eq "W")
3586 0 0 if ($last_last_nonblank_type ne "t" and $last_last_nonblank_type ne "Z" and $last_last_nonblank_token ne "\$#")
3595 0 0 unless ($self->error_if_expecting_TERM)
3627 7 0 if ($expecting != 1) { }
3637 7 0 if ($found_target) { }
0 0 elsif ($expecting == -1) { }
3641 0 7 if (length $here_doc_target > 80) { }
0 7 elsif (not $here_doc_target) { }
2 5 elsif (not $here_doc_target =~ /^[A-Z_]\w+$/) { }
3646 0 0 unless $here_quote_character
3656 0 0 unless ($saw_error)
3684 0 2 unless $i < $max_token_index
3686 2 0 if ($expecting != 1) { }
3696 2 0 if ($found_target) { }
0 0 elsif ($expecting == -1) { }
3698 0 2 if (length $here_doc_target > 80) { }
0 2 elsif (not $here_doc_target =~ /^[A-Z_]\w+$/) { }
3715 0 0 unless ($saw_error)
3749 7 39 if ($expecting == -1) { }
2 37 elsif ($expecting == 0) { }
3756 0 2 if ($next_nonblank_token eq "#")
3762 0 2 if ($next_nonblank_token eq "\$")
3772 0 1025 if ($last_nonblank_type eq $tok)
3778 18 1007 if ($statement_type eq "use")
3789 2 0 if ($expecting == -1) { }
0 0 elsif ($expecting == 0) { }
3795 0 0 if ($next_nonblank_token eq "#")
3801 0 0 if ($next_nonblank_token eq "\$")
3811 0 58 if $expecting == -1 and $last_nonblank_token ne ","
3821 8 66 if $expecting == -1 and $last_nonblank_token ne ","
3831 1 9 if $expecting == -1
3841 0 1929 if $expecting == 1
3845 0 1929 unless (defined $number)
3871 18 21 if ($next_nonblank_token eq '(') { }
3878 2 16 if ($tok eq "prototype")
3899 2 0 if ($i > $i_beg)
3931 14 772 if ($ris_constant->{$current_package}{$tok}) { }
0 772 elsif ($ris_user_function->{$current_package}{$tok}) { }
0 772 elsif ($tok =~ /^v\d+$/) { }
3962 3 769 if ($expecting == 1 and substr($tok, 0, 1) eq 'x' and length $tok == 1 || substr($tok, 1, 1) =~ /^\d/) { }
3970 3 0 if ($self->split_pretoken(1))
3989 15 2 if ($tok eq 'x') { }
3990 0 15 if ($$rtokens[$i + 1] eq '=') { }
4006 2 0 if ($self->split_pretoken(1))
4022 16 0 if ($next_nonblank_tok2)
4024 1 15 if ($is_keyword{$next_nonblank_tok2}) { }
4057 74 2562 if ($is_for_foreach{$tok}) { }
175 2387 elsif ($is_use_require{$tok}) { }
628 1759 elsif ($is_my_our_state{$tok}) { }
27 1732 elsif ($tok eq 'elsif') { }
44 1688 elsif ($tok eq 'else') { }
56 1632 elsif ($tok eq 'when' or $tok eq 'case' or $tok eq 'default') { }
1 1631 elsif ($tok eq 'err') { }
4058 72 2 if (new_statement_ok())
4066 0 175 if $expecting == 1
4079 0 27 if ($last_nonblank_token ne ";" and not $is_if_elsif_unless{$last_nonblank_block_type})
4093 0 44 if ($last_nonblank_token ne ";" and not $is_if_elsif_unless_case_when{$last_nonblank_block_type} and not $is_if_elsif_unless_case_when{$statement_type})
4124 1 0 if ($expecting != 1)
4134 0 202 if ($expecting == 1)
4154 0 0 unless ($tok eq "qw" and $last_nonblank_token =~ /^([\]\}\&]|\-\>)/ || $is_for_foreach{$want_paren})
4170 119 83 $tok eq 'qw' && $self->[22] ? :
4184 108 849 if ($statement_type eq "use" and $last_nonblank_token eq "use")
4190 932 25 if ($type eq "w")
4192 0 932 if ($expecting == 1)
4201 0 0 if ($rsaw_use_module->{$current_package}{'RPerl'} and $tok =~ /^sse_(mul|div|add|sub)$/) { }
0 0 elsif ($last_nonblank_type eq '->') { }
0 0 elsif ($last_nonblank_type eq 'C') { }
4226 0 0 unless ($tok =~ /::$/)
4241 276 656 if ($next_tok eq "(")
4248 0 276 if ($tok eq 'x' and $last_nonblank_type eq 'w') { }
276 0 elsif ($last_nonblank_type ne '->') { }
4257 0 932 if ($tok eq "_" and $last_nonblank_type eq "F")
4263 0 932 if ($tok eq "case" and $rbrace_type->[$brace_depth] eq "switch" or $tok eq "when" and $rbrace_type->[$brace_depth] eq "given")
4272 241 691 if ($next_nonblank_token eq "(")
4279 0 241 if ($tok eq 'switch' or $tok eq 'given') { }
0 482 elsif ($tok eq 'x' and $last_nonblank_type eq 'w') { }
4302 3 0 if ($is_sub{$tok_kw} and $expecting != 1 and $next_nonblank_token eq ":")
4332 266 5560 if ($$rtokens[$i + 1] eq ":" and $$rtokens[$i + 2] eq ":")
4338 39 5787 if ($self->[13])
4340 39 0 if $is_attribute
4363 669 5118 if ($last_nonblank_token eq '->') { }
786 4332 elsif (not $is_END_or_DATA and $next_nonblank_token eq '=' and $$rtokens[$i_next + 1] eq '>') { }
100 4232 elsif ($next_nonblank_token eq '}' and $last_nonblank_type eq 'L' || $last_nonblank_type eq 'm' && $last_last_nonblank_type eq 'L') { }
17 4215 elsif ($expecting == 1 and substr($tok, 0, 1) eq 'x' and length $tok == 1 || substr($tok, 1, 1) =~ /^\d/) { }
3 4212 elsif ($tok_kw eq 'CORE::') { }
14 4198 elsif ($tok eq 'strict' and $last_nonblank_token eq 'use') { }
7 4191 elsif ($tok eq 'warnings' and $last_nonblank_token eq 'use') { }
0 4191 elsif ($tok eq 'AutoLoader' and $self->[32] and $last_nonblank_token eq 'use' || $input_line =~ /^\s*(use|require)\s+AutoLoader\b/ || $input_line =~ /\bISA\s*=.*\bAutoLoader\b/) { }
0 4191 elsif ($tok eq 'SelfLoader' and $self->[33] and $last_nonblank_token eq 'use' || $input_line =~ /^\s*(use|require)\s+SelfLoader\b/ || $input_line =~ /\bISA\s*=.*\bSelfLoader\b/) { }
16 4175 elsif ($tok eq 'constant' and $last_nonblank_token eq 'use') { }
202 3973 elsif ($is_q_qq_qw_qx_qr_s_y_tr_m{$tok}) { }
33 3940 elsif ($next_nonblank_token eq ':' and $$rtokens[$i_next + 1] ne ':' and $i_next <= $max_token_index and not $self->sub_attribute_ok_here($tok_kw, $next_nonblank_token, $i_next) and label_ok()) { }
301 3639 elsif ($is_sub{$tok_kw}) { }
30 3609 elsif ($is_package{$tok_kw}) { }
1 3608 elsif ($tok_kw eq 'format' and new_statement_ok()) { }
7 3601 elsif ($is_END_DATA{$tok_kw}) { }
2636 965 elsif ($is_keyword{$tok_kw}) { }
19 946 elsif ($last_nonblank_type eq 'k' and $is_redo_last_next_goto{$last_nonblank_token}) { }
4485 15 18 unless ($tok =~ /[A-Z]/)
4499 12 289 if ($tok_kw eq 'method') { }
4500 7 5 if ($expecting == 1 or not $next_nonblank_token =~ /^(\w|\:)/ or not $self->method_ok_here) { }
4512 0 289 if $expecting == 1
4527 8 22 if ($tok_kw eq 'class') { }
4528 4 4 if ($expecting == 1 or not $next_nonblank_token =~ /^(\w|\:)/ or not $self->class_ok_here) { }
4537 0 22 if $expecting == 1
4591 184 2579 unless (@{$routput_token_list;})
4623 183 2580 if ($in_quote)
4634 116 2464 if (++$i > $max_token_index)
4637 144 2320 if ($allowed_quote_modifiers)
4640 30 114 if ($rtokens->[$i] =~ /^[A-Za-z_]/)
4656 0 30 if ($saw_modifier_e and $i_tok >= 0)
4664 0 0 if ($rht)
4667 0 0 if ($i_tok < 0)
4674 30 0 if (defined pos $str) { }
4677 30 0 if (pos $str == length $str) { }
4678 0 30 if (++$i > $max_token_index)
4704 0 0 if (++$i > $max_token_index)
4908 13 7489 if (substr($untrimmed_input_line, 0, 1) eq "=" and $untrimmed_input_line =~ /^=[A-Za-z_]/)
4914 13 0 if (not $in_quote and $self->operator_expected(["b", "=", "b"]) == -1)
4932 47 7442 if ($in_quote and $quote_type eq 'Q') { }
4941 797 6645 if (not length $input_line) { }
6636 9 elsif ($input_line =~ /\S/g) { }
4949 3537 3099 if ($spaces > 0)
4955 213 3324 if (ord substr($untrimmed_input_line, 0, 1) == 9 and $untrimmed_input_line =~ /^(\t+)/)
4981 7305 184 unless ($in_quote)
4982 788 6517 if (substr($input_line, 0, 1) eq "#")
4985 2 786 if ($rOpts_code_skipping and $input_line =~ /$code_skipping_pattern_begin/)
5008 806 5711 unless (length $input_line)
5050 0 5895 if ($self->[57]) { }
5105 2763 47930 if ($in_quote)
5107 299 2464 if $in_quote or $i > $max_token_index
5110 35221 15173 if ($type ne "b" and $tok ne "CORE::")
5113 1588 33633 if ($type eq "n" and $tok ne 0)
5115 9 1579 if ($last_nonblank_token eq 'eq') { }
0 1579 elsif ($last_nonblank_token eq 'ne') { }
5124 29464 5757 if ($i_tok >= 0)
5134 29461 3 unless ($type eq "R" and $last_nonblank_type eq "Z")
5150 885 34336 if ($last_last_nonblank_token eq "->")
5151 674 211 if ($last_nonblank_type eq "w" or $last_nonblank_type eq "i")
5161 44637 5757 if ($i_tok >= 0)
5190 15315 35079 if $pre_type eq "b"
5195 328 34751 if $pre_type eq "#"
5198 17 34734 if ($id_scan_state)
5200 10 7 if ($is_sub{$id_scan_state} or $is_package{$id_scan_state}) { }
5207 1 16 if ($id_scan_state)
5213 0 1 if $i > $max_token_index
5220 0 1 if $i_next > $max_token_index
5226 9 7 if $i > 0 or $type
5234 29040 5701 $i > 0 ? :
5248 2555 3117 if ($can_start_digraph{$tok} and $i < $max_token_index and $is_digraph{$tok . $$rtokens[$i + 1]})
5268 16 2539 if ($test_tok eq "//" and $last_nonblank_type ne "Z")
5275 4 12 if $expecting == -1
5281 39 2516 if ($test_tok eq "**")
5282 37 2 if ($last_nonblank_type ne "Z")
5285 2514 0 if ($combine_ok and $test_tok ne "/=" and $test_tok ne "x=" and $test_tok ne "*=")
5307 76 2438 if ($is_trigraph{$test_tok}) { }
1 2437 elsif ($test_tok eq '<<>') { }
5317 1 0 if ($is_tetragraph{$test_tok})
5342 39 28876 if ($pre_type ne "w" and $self->[13])
5354 5826 28915 if ($pre_type eq 'w') { }
1929 26986 elsif ($pre_type eq 'd') { }
5358 8 5818 if $is_last
5375 25261 1725 if ($code)
5380 2362 22899 if $in_quote
5390 5757 138 if ($i_tok >= 0)
5399 5422 473 if ($type ne "b" and $type ne "#")
5415 0 5895 if ($level_in_tokenizer < 0)
5416 0 0 if ($input_line =~ /^\s*(sub|package)\s+(\w+)/)
5423 184 5711 $in_quote ? :
5579 0 0 if ($type_i eq 'b' or $type_i eq '#') { }
5593 0 0 unless ($is_valid_token_type{$type_i})
5615 0 0 if ($type_i eq '{' or $type_i eq 'L' or $ternary_indentation_flag > 0) { }
0 0 elsif ($type_i eq '}' or $type_i eq 'R' or $ternary_indentation_flag < 0) { }
5624 0 0 if (@{$rslevel_stack;})
5634 0 0 if ($level_in_tokenizer > $self->[51])
5638 0 0 if ($ternary_indentation_flag) { }
5641 0 0 if ($type_i eq "?")
5649 0 0 if ($routput_block_type->[$i]) { }
5662 0 0 unless ($routput_block_type->[$i])
5665 0 0 if ($routput_container_type->[$i] eq '(') { }
5666 0 0 if $nesting_list_flag
5674 0 0 unless $is_logical_container{$routput_container_type->[$i]}
5681 0 0 $intervening_secondary_structure != 0 ? :
5685 0 0 $in_statement_continuation > 0 ? :
5709 0 0 if (not $routput_block_type->[$i] and $in_statement_continuation and not $ternary_indentation_flag && $type_i eq ':')
5715 0 0 unless substr($ci_string_in_tokenizer, -1) eq 1
5734 0 0 if (@{$rslevel_stack;} > 1)
5738 0 0 if ($level_in_tokenizer < 0)
5739 0 0 unless ($self->[39])
5746 0 0 if (length $nesting_block_string > 1)
5765 0 0 if ($block_type_i) { }
0 0 elsif ($tok_i eq ')') { }
5769 0 0 if (substr($block_type_i, 0, 3) eq 'sub' and $block_type_i =~ /^sub\s*/cg) { }
0 0 elsif ($is_zero_continuation_block_type{$block_type_i}) { }
0 0 elsif ($is_sort_map_grep_eval_do{$block_type_i} or $is_grep_alias{$block_type_i}) { }
0 0 elsif ($block_type_i =~ /:$/) { }
5775 0 0 if $block_type_i =~ /\G('|::|\w)/cg
5822 0 0 if $is_list_end_type{$routput_container_type->[$i]}
5841 0 0 if ($nesting_list_flag and $is_comma_question_colon{$type_i})
5854 0 0 if (not $in_statement_continuation and $nesting_block_flag || $nesting_list_flag and $type_i eq 'k' && $is_binary_keyword{$tok_i} || $is_binary_type{$type_i})
5871 0 0 if ($nesting_block_flag) { }
5874 0 0 if ($type_i eq ';' or $type_i eq 'J') { }
5889 0 0 if (not $nesting_list_flag) { }
0 0 elsif ($type_i eq ',' or $type_i eq ';') { }
5923 0 0 if ($is_opening_type{$type_i}) { }
0 0 elsif ($is_closing_type{$type_i}) { }
5934 0 0 if ($char ne $matching_start_token{$tok_i}) { }
5950 0 0 if ($is_END_DATA_format_sub{$tok_i} and $is_semicolon_or_t{$type_i})
5960 0 0 $ci_string_i ? :
5967 0 0 if (defined $rtoken_map_im) { }
5971 0 0 if ($numc > 0) { }
5997 0 0 if (defined $rtoken_map_im)
5999 0 0 if ($numc > 0) { }
6060 41456 9122 if (not $routput_type_sequence->[$i]) { }
6066 2674 38782 if ($is_semicolon_or_t{$type_i}) { }
0 38782 elsif (not $is_valid_token_type{$type_i}) { }
6068 172 2502 if ($is_END_DATA_format_sub{$tok_i})
6116 4561 4561 if ($is_opening_or_ternary_type{$type_i}) { }
4561 0 elsif ($is_closing_or_ternary_type{$type_i}) { }
6118 187 4374 if ($type_i eq '?') { }
6120 8 179 if ($routput_indent_flag->[$i] > 0)
6133 4067 307 if ($type_i eq "{" or $type_i eq "L")
6137 967 3100 if ($routput_block_type->[$i]) { }
6154 4374 187 if ($type_i ne ":")
6156 0 4374 if ($char ne $matching_start_token{$tok_i})
6161 371 486 if ($type_i eq "}" or $type_i eq "R" or $type_i eq ":" and $routput_indent_flag->[$i] < 0)
6172 0 4075 if ($level_in_tokenizer < 0)
6173 0 0 unless ($self->[39])
6181 4075 0 if (length $nesting_block_string > 1)
6205 1574 7548 unless (@levels)
6226 5895 0 if (@levels)
6387 20534 12511 if (defined $op_expected)
6405 4290 8221 if ($last_nonblank_type eq 'i') { }
2629 5592 elsif ($last_nonblank_type eq 'k') { }
3448 2144 elsif ($last_nonblank_type eq '}') { }
1916 228 elsif ($is_n_v{$last_nonblank_type}) { }
137 91 elsif ($last_nonblank_type eq 'q') { }
90 1 elsif ($last_nonblank_type eq 'Z') { }
6411 26 0 if (substr($last_nonblank_token, 0, 7) eq "package" and $statement_type =~ /^package\b/ and $last_nonblank_token =~ /^package\b/)
6422 7 2622 if ($expecting_operator_token{$last_nonblank_token}) { }
2523 99 elsif ($expecting_term_token{$last_nonblank_token}) { }
6431 1 2522 if ($tok eq '/' and $next_type eq '/' and $is_keyword_rejecting_slash_as_pattern_delimiter{$last_nonblank_token}) { }
0 5043 elsif ($tok eq '?' and $last_nonblank_token eq 'split') { }
6469 82 3366 if ($is_block_operator{$last_nonblank_token}) { }
2021 1345 elsif ($is_paren_dollar{substr $last_nonblank_token, 0, 1} or substr($last_nonblank_token, 0, 2) eq '->') { }
20 1325 elsif ($last_nonblank_token eq '~~') { }
6480 0 2021 if ($last_nonblank_token eq "\$")
6501 0 1325 if ($tok eq '/' and $next_type eq '/' and $last_nonblank_token eq ']') { }
1 1324 elsif ($tok eq '?') { }
6532 11 1905 if ($statement_type eq "use")
6542 0 137 if ($last_nonblank_token eq 'prototype') { }
3 134 elsif ($statement_type =~ /^package\b/) { }
6560 2 88 if ($last_nonblank_token =~ /^\w/) { }
0 88 elsif ($tok eq 'x' and $next_type =~ /^[\(\$\@\%]$/) { }
4 84 elsif ($is_weird_parsing_rule_exception{$tok}) { }
9 75 elsif ($prev_type eq 'b' and $next_type ne 'b') { }
9 66 elsif ($tok =~ m[^([x/\+\-\*\%\&\.]|\>\>)$]) { }
6602 9 0 if ($statement_type ne "use")
6642 47 67 if ($last_nonblank_token eq '{' || $last_nonblank_token eq '}' and $last_nonblank_type eq $last_nonblank_token) { }
6674 90 1206 if ($last_nonblank_token eq '{' and $last_nonblank_type eq $last_nonblank_token) { }
48 1158 elsif ($last_nonblank_token eq ';') { }
9 1149 elsif ($last_nonblank_token eq '}' and $last_nonblank_type eq $last_nonblank_token) { }
34 1115 elsif ($last_nonblank_type eq 'J') { }
476 639 elsif ($is_code_block_token{$last_nonblank_token} or $is_grep_alias{$last_nonblank_token}) { }
293 346 elsif ($last_nonblank_type eq 'i' || $last_nonblank_type eq 't' and $last_nonblank_token =~ /^(sub|package)\b/) { }
0 346 elsif ($last_nonblank_type eq 'i' || $last_nonblank_type eq 't' and $is_sub{$last_nonblank_token}) { }
0 346 elsif ($statement_type =~ /^(sub|package)\b/) { }
0 346 elsif ($last_nonblank_type eq 'G') { }
22 324 elsif ($last_nonblank_type eq 'w') { }
81 243 elsif ($last_nonblank_token eq '(') { }
14 229 elsif ($last_nonblank_token =~ /\(\)$/) { }
6680 90 0 if ($rbrace_type->[$brace_depth]) { }
6706 9 0 if ($last_nonblank_block_type) { }
6744 0 476 if ($last_nonblank_type eq 'k' and $last_nonblank_token eq 'if' || $last_nonblank_token eq 'unless') { }
6785 1 21 if $statement_type eq "use"
6799 1 80 if ($paren_type and $is_sort_map_grep{$paren_type}) { }
6844 5 163 if ($next_nonblank_token eq '}') { }
6872 139 24 if ($next_nonblank_token ne "#")
6881 155 8 if (defined $rpre_types and @{$rpre_types;})
6891 59 104 if $pre_types[0] eq "b"
6899 1 162 if ($pre_types[$j] =~ /^[\'\"]/) { }
8 154 elsif ($pre_types[$j] eq 'd') { }
71 83 elsif ($pre_types[$j] eq 'w') { }
0 166 elsif ($pre_types[$j] eq '-' and $pre_types[++$j] eq 'w') { }
6904 1 0 if ($pre_types[$k] eq $quote_mark)
6920 80 83 if ($j > $jbeg)
6922 73 7 if $pre_types[$j] eq "b"
6925 18 62 if ($pre_types[$j] eq "," and not $is_q_qq_qx_qr_s_y_tr_m{$pre_tokens[$jbeg]} or $pre_types[$j] eq "=" and $pre_types[++$j] eq ">")
6942 145 18 if ($code_block_type)
6948 18 127 if $code_block_type =~ /^\w/
6963 0 0 if (++$self->[45] <= 6)
6973 0 0 if ($i_tok > 0 and $last_nonblank_i >= 0)
6976 0 0 if ($$rpretoken_type[$i_tok - 1] eq 'b') { }
6982 0 0 if ($num > 40)
7119 4561 13683 if $bb == $aa
7125 187 4374 if ($aa == 3)
7127 17 170 if ($cd_aa > 1)
7128 16 1 if ($$rnested_ternary_flag[$cd_aa - 1] == 0)
7130 8 8 if ($pdepth == $total_depth - 1)
7153 39 8 unless $cd_aa > 0
7157 0 8 if $bb == $aa
7160 8 0 unless $rdepth_array->[$aa][$bb][$cd_aa] == $rcurrent_depth->[$bb]
7181 4561 0 if ($cd_aa > 0) { }
7185 187 4374 if ($aa == 3)
7194 1 0 if ($aa == 0 and $saved_type eq "Z" and $last_nonblank_type eq "w" and $rbrace_structural_type->[$brace_depth] eq "L")
7204 4561 13683 if $bb == $aa
7206 0 13683 unless ($rdepth_array->[$aa][$bb][$cd_aa] == $rcurrent_depth->[$bb])
7214 0 0 if ($saw_brace_error <= 6 and $diff > 0 || $saw_brace_error <= 0)
7229 0 0 if ($diff == 1 or $diff == -1) { }
7235 0 0 $diff > 0 ? :
7244 0 0 if ($diff > 0)
7265 0 0 if ($saw_brace_error <= 6)
7275 0 0 if $closing_brace_names[$aa] ne "':'"
7289 0 2224 if ($cd_aa)
7319 6 176 if length $line <= 0
7320 14 162 if $line =~ /^#/
7338 25 134 if length $line <= 0
7339 21 113 if $line =~ /^#/
7346 33 294 if $tok =~ /
7373 0 11 if ($i >= $max_token_index) { }
7408 11 0 if ($in_quote) { }
7426 0 0 if ($tok eq ":")
7427 0 0 if ($tok eq "'")
7428 0 0 if ($tok eq "\"")
7430 0 0 if ($s_quote % 2 or $d_quote % 2 or $colons) { }
0 0 elsif ($self->pattern_expected($i, $rtokens, $max_token_index) >= 0) { }
7477 0 0 if ($i >= $max_token_index) { }
7485 0 0 if ($divide_possible < 0)
7521 0 0 if ($in_quote) { }
7525 0 0 if ($divide_possible >= 0) { }
7546 0 0 if ($pattern_expected >= 0) { }
7549 0 0 if ($divide_possible >= 0) { }
7557 0 0 if ($is_known_constant{$last_nonblank_token}) { }
0 0 elsif ($is_known_function{$last_nonblank_token}) { }
0 0 elsif ($divide_possible > $pattern_expected) { }
0 0 elsif ($is_pattern_by_spacing) { }
7600 0 0 if ($divide_possible >= 0) { }
7607 0 0 if ($is_pattern_by_spacing) { }
7643 0 0 if ($line =~ /^$next_token$/)
7648 0 0 if $k >= $HERE_DOC_WINDOW
7651 0 0 unless ($here_doc_expected)
7653 0 0 if (not defined $line) { }
7660 0 0 if (not $ris_constant->{$current_package}{$next_token}) { }
7695 9 1663 if ($tok eq "::")
7696 0 1672 if ($tok eq "->")
7705 1672 0 if ($input_line =~ /\G\s*((?:\w*(?:'|::)))*(?:(?:->)?(\w+))?/cg) { }
7716 1667 5 if (defined $2)
7717 274 1398 if (defined $1) { }
7723 0 274 if (not $sub_name and substr($package, -1, 1) eq "'")
7728 9 265 if ($package =~ /^\:/)
7735 0 1398 if ($is_keyword{$tok} and $last_nonblank_type ne "->")
7741 1003 669 if ($type eq "w" and $last_nonblank_type ne "->")
7745 2 1001 if ($tok =~ /^v\d[_\d]*$/) { }
12 989 elsif ($ris_constant->{$package}{$sub_name}) { }
1 988 elsif ($last_nonblank_token eq 'sort' and $last_nonblank_type eq 'k') { }
0 988 elsif ($ris_block_function->{$package}{$sub_name}) { }
0 988 elsif ($ris_block_list_function->{$package}{$sub_name}) { }
6 982 elsif ($ris_user_function->{$package}{$sub_name}) { }
4 1627 elsif (not $input_line =~ /\G\(/cg and $is_indirect_object_taker{$last_nonblank_token} || $last_nonblank_token eq '(' && $is_indirect_object_taker{$rparen_type->[$paren_depth]}) { }
7749 2 0 if ($input_line =~ /\G(\.\d[_\d]*)+/cg)
7826 4 0 if (pos $input_line == length $input_line or $input_line =~ /\G[;\s]/cg) { }
7842 1 3 if ($sub_name =~ /[a-z]/)
7846 1 0 if ($input_line =~ /\G\s*\(/cg)
7868 0 1672 if ($error)
7914 10 320 if ($id_scan_state) { }
7930 2 328 if ($i_beg > $max_token_index) { }
7936 0 328 if ($next_nonblank_token eq "#")
7937 0 0 unless ($tok eq "\$")
7942 308 20 if ($next_nonblank_token =~ /^\s/)
7946 4 304 if ($next_nonblank_token =~ /(^#|^\s*$)/)
7953 324 6 unless ($blank_line)
7955 298 26 if ($is_sub{$id_scan_state}) { }
26 0 elsif ($is_package{$id_scan_state}) { }
7984 0 330 if ($id_scan_state and not defined $type && $type)
8007 0 136 unless defined $package and defined $subname
8008 34 102 if (defined $proto) { }
8011 5 29 if ($proto) { }
8016 1 4 if ($proto =~ /\&/)
8020 0 1 if ($proto =~ /\&$/) { }
1 0 elsif (not $proto =~ /\&$/) { }
8071 26 0 if ($input_line =~ /\G\s*((?:\w*(?:'|::))*\w*)/cg) { }
8073 26 0 defined $1 && $1 ? :
8075 0 26 if ($package =~ /^\:/)
8088 0 26 if ($error)
8108 26 0 if ($next_nonblank_token =~ /^([v\.\d;\{\}\#\:])|v\d|\d+$/) { }
8192 0 486 if ($tok_begin eq ":")
8221 31 483 if ($tok eq '$') { }
253 230 elsif ($tok =~ /^\w/) { }
16 214 elsif ($tok eq '::') { }
0 214 elsif ($tok =~ /^[\@\%\&\*]$/ and $identifier =~ /\-\>$/) { }
0 214 elsif ($tok eq q['] and $allow_tick) { }
99 115 elsif ($tok eq '#') { }
38 77 elsif ($tok eq '{') { }
20 57 elsif ($tok =~ /^\s*$/) { }
11 46 elsif ($tok eq '^') { }
8226 0 31 if ($i == $max_token_index)
8236 29 224 $tok =~ /^\d/ ? :
8265 95 4 if (not $last_tok_is_blank || $in_prototype_or_signature and $identifier =~ /^[\%\@\$\*]$/ || $identifier =~ /\$$/ and not $is_punct_var) { }
8292 0 4 if ($identifier eq '->') { }
0 4 elsif ($is_punct_var) { }
4 0 elsif ($id_scan_state eq $scan_state_SIGIL) { }
8304 1 37 if ($identifier eq '$' || $identifier eq '@' || $identifier eq '$#' and $i + 2 <= $max_token_index and $$rtokens[$i + 2] eq '}' and not $$rtokens[$i + 1] =~ /[\s\w]/) { }
8328 26 11 if ($identifier eq "\$" or $i == 0)
8341 20 0 if ($identifier =~ /^[\$\%\*\&\@]/) { }
0 0 elsif ($identifier eq '->') { }
8343 8 12 if (length $identifier > 1) { }
8351 1 11 if ($i == $max_token_index) { }
1 10 elsif (not $identifier =~ /^[\@\$]$/) { }
8378 0 0 if ($i == $max_token_index)
8396 11 0 if ($identifier =~ /^[\$\*\@\%]$/) { }
8403 9 2 if ($is_special_variable_char{$chr}) { }
8412 3 6 length $next1 > 1 ? :
8429 3 43 if ($in_prototype_or_signature and $tok =~ /^[\),=#]/) { }
35 8 elsif ($identifier =~ /^[\$\*\@\%]$/) { }
6 2 elsif ($tok eq '*' and $identifier =~ /\-\>([\@\%\$\*\&]|\$\#)$/) { }
2 0 elsif ($identifier eq '$#') { }
0 0 elsif ($identifier eq '$$') { }
0 0 elsif ($identifier eq '->') { }
8439 1 2 if ($i == $i_begin) { }
8450 0 2 if ($id_scan_state eq $scan_state_SIGIL and $tok eq "#")
8472 0 2 if ($tok eq '{') { }
0 2 elsif ($tok =~ /^[\:\-\+]$/) { }
8497 0 0 if ($tok eq '{') { }
8505 0 0 if (length $identifier == 1)
8521 100 13 if ($tok =~ /^\w/) { }
0 13 elsif ($tok eq q['] and $allow_tick) { }
0 13 elsif ($tok_is_blank and $identifier =~ /^sub /) { }
0 13 elsif ($tok eq '(' and $identifier =~ /^sub /) { }
8554 97 337 if ($tok eq '::') { }
20 317 elsif ($tok =~ /^\w/) { }
12 305 elsif ($tok eq q['] and $allow_tick) { }
0 305 elsif ($tok_is_blank and $identifier =~ /^sub /) { }
0 305 elsif ($tok eq '(' and $identifier =~ /^sub /) { }
8565 0 12 if ($is_keyword{$identifier}) { }
8594 0 0 if ($tok eq '(') { }
0 0 elsif ($tok =~ /^\s*$/) { }
8617 0 0 if ($tok eq ')') { }
0 0 elsif ($tok =~ /^[\s\$\%\\\*\@\&\;]/) { }
8637 88 17 if ($tok =~ /^[\$\w]/) { }
0 17 elsif ($tok eq q['] and $allow_tick) { }
2 15 elsif ($tok =~ /^\s*$/) { }
0 15 elsif ($tok eq '::') { }
15 0 elsif ($tok eq '{') { }
0 0 elsif ($tok eq '^') { }
8651 2 0 if (length $identifier == 1 and $i == $max_token_index)
8661 15 0 if ($identifier eq "&" or $i == 0)
8668 0 0 if ($identifier eq '&') { }
8677 0 0 if ($is_special_variable_char{$chr}) { }
8685 0 0 length $next1 > 1 ? :
8716 0 0 if ($identifier eq '&' and $expecting and $tok ne '#') { }
8775 479 7 if (not $id_scan_state) { }
8779 0 479 if ($tok eq ">")
8785 6 473 if ($last_nonblank_token eq '->') { }
293 180 elsif ($tok eq '$' or $tok eq '*') { }
77 103 elsif ($tok eq '%' or $tok eq '@') { }
103 0 elsif ($tok eq '&') { }
0 0 elsif ($tok eq 'sub' or $tok eq 'package') { }
0 0 elsif ($tok eq '::') { }
0 0 elsif ($tok =~ /^\w/) { }
0 0 elsif ($tok eq '->') { }
8822 0 0 unless ($self->[7])
8856 3 1166 unless ($code)
8858 3 0 if ($id_scan_state eq $scan_state_SPLIT) { }
8880 11 1155 if ($tok_is_blank) { }
8886 113 1053 if ($tok eq ":" and $$rtokens[$i + 1] eq ":")
8895 389 777 if $i <= $i_start_loop
8904 20 466 if ($id_scan_state)
8906 13 7 unless ($is_returnable_scan_state{$id_scan_state})
8908 3 10 if ($id_scan_state eq $scan_state_SPLIT)
8912 0 13 if ($id_scan_state eq $scan_state_RPAREN)
8922 0 20 if ($identifier eq "\$#")
8926 0 486 if ($i < 0)
8929 458 28 unless ($type)
8931 452 6 if ($saw_type) { }
5 1 elsif ($saw_alpha) { }
8933 348 104 if ($saw_alpha) { }
0 104 elsif ($identifier eq '->') { }
53 51 elsif (length $identifier > 1 and not $identifier =~ /\$$/ && $tok eq '{' and $identifier ne 'sub ' and $identifier ne 'package ') { }
8938 0 348 if ($identifier =~ /^->/ and $last_nonblank_type eq 'w' and substr($identifier, 2, 1) =~ /^\w/) { }
8974 5 0 if ($id_scan_state_begin and $identifier =~ /^([\$\%\@\*\&]|->)/)
8986 444 42 if ($identifier) { }
8988 1 443 if ($message)
9098 5 293 $tok eq '(' ? :
2 298 $tok eq 'prototype' ? :
9114 121 179 if ($call_type == 1 and $input_line =~ /\G\s*
9127 0 0 if ($is_lexical_sub and $1)
9132 0 121 if ($is_lexical_sub) { }
9138 0 0 unless defined $seqno
9140 0 0 if ($warn_if_lexical{$subname})
9151 6 115 defined $1 && $1 ? :
9153 0 121 if ($package =~ /^\:/)
9185 45 255 if ($input_line =~ /\G(\s*\([^\)\(\}\{\,#A-Za-z]*\))? # PROTO
9198 24 21 if ($proto and $match || $call_type == 3) { }
2 19 elsif ($call_type == 2) { }
9215 2 43 if ($tok eq "sub" and not $proto)
9218 136 164 if ($match) { }
9223 15 121 if ($attrs)
9230 1 135 if ($pos == $pos_beg and $tok eq ':') { }
9243 0 135 if ($error)
9251 2 0 if ($type eq "k" and $attrs and $i > $i_entry and substr($rtokens->[$i], 0, 1) =~ /\s/)
9265 7 129 if ($next_nonblank_token =~ /^(\s*|#)$/)
9269 7 0 if (defined $rpre_tokens and @{$rpre_tokens;}) { }
9278 104 32 if ($next_nonblank_token eq '{') { }
1 31 elsif ($next_nonblank_token eq ';') { }
0 31 elsif ($next_nonblank_token eq '}') { }
16 15 elsif ($next_nonblank_token eq ':') { }
15 0 elsif ($next_nonblank_token eq '(') { }
0 0 elsif ($next_nonblank_token) { }
9279 94 10 if ($subname)
9284 0 94 if ($rsaw_function_definition->{$subname}{$package} and not $subname =~ /^[A-Z]+$/)
9289 0 0 if ($package =~ /^\d/) { }
9315 14 2 if ($call_type == 1)
9316 13 1 substr($tok, 0, 3) eq 'sub' ? :
9330 4 11 unless ($saw_opening_paren)
9333 15 0 if ($call_type == 1)
9334 15 0 substr($tok, 0, 3) eq 'sub' ? :
9340 0 0 if ($rinput_hash->{'tok'} eq 'method' and $call_type == 1) { }
9352 0 0 unless defined $subname
9380 117 6037 if ($i >= $max_token_index)
9381 115 2 unless (peeked_ahead())
9388 0 6154 unless defined $next_nonblank_token and length $next_nonblank_token
9394 2353 3801 if ($ord >= 33 and $ord <= 126) { }
3801 0 elsif ($ord == 32 or $ord == 9) { }
0 0 elsif ($next_nonblank_token =~ /^\s*$/) { }
9403 0 3801 unless defined $next_nonblank_token
9409 0 0 unless defined $next_nonblank_token
9427 0 98 if ($next_nonblank_token eq "#")
9434 98 0 if ($next_nonblank_token and $next_nonblank_token ne " " and defined $$rtokens[$i_next + 1])
9439 15 83 if ($is_digraph{$test2})
9444 15 0 if (defined $$rtokens[$i_next + 1])
9446 0 15 if ($is_trigraph{$test3})
9469 0 0 if ($next_token eq "=")
9473 0 0 if ($next_nonblank_token eq "#")
9479 0 0 if ($next_nonblank_token =~ /(\(|\$|\w|\.|\@)/) { }
0 0 elsif ($next_nonblank_token =~ /^\s*$/) { }
9520 0 0 if ($next_token =~ /^[msixpodualgc]/)
9526 0 0 if ($pattern_test{$next_nonblank_token}) { }
9532 0 0 if ($next_nonblank_token =~ /^\s*$/ or $next_nonblank_token eq '#') { }
9549 445 8 if ($i < $max_token_index) { }
9552 120 325 if ($next_nonblank_token =~ /^\s*$/)
9554 118 2 if ($i < $max_token_index)
9580 6 2 if ($expecting == -1) { }
2 0 elsif ($expecting == 0) { }
9621 8 0 if ($input_line =~ /($filter)/g)
9623 8 0 if ($1 eq '>') { }
9639 1 7 if ($last_nonblank_type eq "Z")
9642 0 0 unless (substr($last_nonblank_token, 0, 1) =~ /[A-Za-z_]/ or substr($str, 1, 1) =~ /[A-Za-z_]/)
9651 2 6 if ($expecting eq 0)
9653 1 1 if ($check eq "-")
9669 0 7 if ($error)
9687 0 7 if ($str =~ /^<\s*!/) { }
0 7 elsif ($str =~ m[^<\s*/\w+\s*>$]) { }
0 14 elsif ($str =~ /^<\?xml\s.*\?>$/i and $is_first_string) { }
9689 0 0 if ($is_first_string)
9708 0 7 if ($is_html_tag)
9714 1 6 if $str =~ /<\s+/
9715 1 6 if $str =~ /\s+>/
9719 6 1 if ($expecting == -1) { }
0 1 elsif ($is_html_tag) { }
1 0 elsif ($i <= $i_beg + 3 + $blank_count) { }
0 0 elsif ($str =~ /^<\s*\$?(\w|::|\s)+\s*>$/) { }
9755 0 0 if ($br or $sb or $pr) { }
9776 0 0 if ($expecting == -1)
9808 0 629 unless ($first_char =~ /[\d\.\+\-Ee]/)
9822 0 629 if ($input_line =~ /\G((\d[_\d]*)?\.[\d_]+(\.[\d_]+)+)/g)
9831 629 0 unless (defined $number)
9838 72 557 if ($input_line =~ /\G[+-]?0( # leading [signed] 0
9881 557 72 unless (defined $number)
9884 557 0 if ($input_line =~ /\G([+-]?[\d_]*(\.[\d_]*)?([Ee][+-]?(\d+))?)/g)
9888 37 520 if (substr($input_line, $pos - 1, 1) eq "." and substr($input_line, $pos, 1) eq ".")
9901 303 326 if (not $number =~ /\d/ or $number =~ /^(.*)[eE]/ and not $1 =~ /\d/)
9918 0 326 if ($error)
9932 2131 1901 if ($pos <= $rtoken_map->[$i])
9937 0 2131 if ($pos < $rtoken_map->[$i])
9969 0 9 if ($next_token eq "\\")
9977 6 3 if ($next_nonblank_token =~ /[\'\"\`]/) { }
0 3 elsif ($next_token =~ /^\s*$/ and $expecting == -1) { }
3 0 elsif ($next_token =~ /^\w/) { }
9991 0 6 if ($in_quote) { }
9993 0 0 if ($expecting == -1)
10010 0 0 if $tokj eq "\\" and $j < $i - 1 and $$rtokens[$j + 1] eq $here_quote_character
10027 0 3 if ($expecting == 0) { }
10034 3 0 if ($here_doc_expected)
10043 0 0 if ($expecting == -1) { }
10053 0 9 if ($found_target and $backslash)
10087 29 2734 if ($in_quote == 2)
10096 29 0 if ($in_quote == 1) { }
10097 0 29 if ($quote_character =~ /[\{\[\<\(]/)
10105 2763 0 if ($in_quote == 1)
10114 183 2580 if ($in_quote == 1)
10171 183 2626 if (not $beginning_tok =~ /^\s*$/) { }
10177 253 2373 $i < 0 ? :
10182 2626 0 if (not $tok =~ /^\s*$/) { }
10184 0 2626 if ($tok eq '#' and $allow_quote_comments) { }
10189 1 2625 if (length $tok > 1) { }
10190 1 0 if ($quote_pos <= 0)
10219 1 2808 if ($beginning_tok =~ /\w/) { }
10223 1 0 if ($in_quote == 1)
10231 3 1 if ($quote_pos == 0 or $i < 0)
10234 1 2 if ($tok eq "\\")
10237 1 0 unless $$rtokens[$i + 1] eq $end_tok
10240 0 1 if $i >= $max_token_index
10246 0 4 unless (defined $tok and defined $end_tok and defined $quote_pos)
10252 1 3 if ($quote_pos > 0) { }
10264 1 0 if ($quote_depth == 0)
10270 3 0 if ($old_pos <= length $tok)
10285 2615 8170 if ($tok eq $end_tok) { }
1 8169 elsif ($tok eq $beginning_tok) { }
376 7793 elsif ($tok eq '\\') { }
10288 2614 1 if ($quote_depth == 0)
10300 368 8 unless $tok eq $end_tok or $tok eq $beginning_tok
10306 0 2809 if ($i > $max_token_index)
10371 0 0 $pos < 60 ? :
10373 0 0 $excess > 0 ? :
10375 0 0 if (defined $numc) { }
10376 0 0 if ($offset == 0) { }
10385 0 0 if ($offset == 0) { }
10422 0 0 unless ($pos >= 0 and $pos <= length $underline)
10426 0 0 if ($excess > 0)
10463 18684 63330 if ($str =~ /\G(\s+)/cg) { }
2593 60737 elsif ($str =~ /\G(\d+)/cg) { }
16628 44109 elsif ($str =~ /\G(\w+)/cg) { }
38075 6034 elsif ($str =~ /\G(\W)/cg) { }
10518 373 2620 if ($matching_end_token{$beginning_token})