Branch Coverage

Criterion Covered Total %
branch 1 144 0.6

line true false branch
64 1 0 unless (@_ == 2)
86 0 0 unless (@_ == 2)
91 0 0 unless ($pver)
98 0 0 unless (opendir $dir, $DIR)
103 0 0 if (@dirent > 1) { }
0 0 elsif (@dirent == 0) { }
113 0 0 unless exists $tarballs{$pver}
122 0 0 if (-f $addltar) { }
131 0 0 unless ($ver)
138 0 0 unless $pver eq $ver
147 0 0 unless (exists $$self{'FIRST_IN_BRANCH'})
151 0 0 unless $ret
157 0 0 unless (exists $$self{'NEXT_IN_BRANCH'})
163 0 0 if ($L{$pbranch}) { }
171 0 0 unless $ver
173 0 0 unless $ref
180 0 0 unless @_ == 3
182 0 0 unless ($patch)
188 0 0 unless ($ret)
196 0 0 unless @_ == 3
200 0 0 if $dir
205 0 0 unless (-d $abs)
208 0 0 unless (-d $abs)
215 0 0 unless $$self{'PERL2DIR'}{$perl}
221 0 0 unless ($$self{'BP2V'})
238 0 0 unless ($patch)
240 0 0 unless defined $patch
248 0 0 unless $apc_branch eq $branch
250 0 0 if ($pver eq $perl)
251 0 0 if (exists $Ldir{$apc_branch}) { }
272 0 0 unless opendir my $APCDH, $APC
296 0 0 unless $dirent =~ /^5/
298 0 0 if (my $living_dir = $living_dirs{$dirent}) { }
300 0 0 unless (-e $diffdir)
308 0 0 if ($have_visited{join $;, $dirent, $diffdir}++)
313 0 0 unless opendir my $DIFFDIR, $diffdir
317 0 0 unless $dirent2 =~ /^(\d+)\.gz/
319 0 0 if _ignore_patch_number $candnu
321 0 0 if ($dseen{$dirent2}) { }
328 0 0 unless (%patches)
332 0 0 unless $patches{$a} <=> $patches{$b}
337 0 0 unless -e ($diff = 'File::Spec'->catfile($diffdir, $patches[$n]))
338 0 0 unless $sortdummy
339 0 0 unless open my $fh, "zcat $diff |"
342 0 0 unless m[^==== //depot/([^/]+)/([^/]+)]
345 0 0 unless $branch =~ /maint/
346 0 0 unless $subbranch eq 'perl'
351 0 0 if ($branch)
356 0 0 unless ($reldiffdir)
376 0 0 unless my $x = $Module::CoreList::patchlevel{$version}
385 0 0 unless $$a{'branch'} cmp $$b{'branch'}
394 0 0 if ($beq and $peq and $lok and $rok)
402 0 0 if ($$splicer{'perl'} eq $$adir{'perl'})
423 0 0 if (my $rename = $rename{$perl})
439 0 0 unless $apc_branch eq $branch
440 0 0 unless $lo <= $$patches[-1]
441 0 0 if $hi < $$patches[0]
455 0 0 unless exists $vrange{$$apcdir{'perl'}}
458 0 0 if ($p >= $lo and $p <= $hi)
469 0 0 if ($alt eq '<') { }
480 0 0 unless $apc_branch eq $branch
481 0 0 if $alt eq '>' and $$patches[-1] < $wanted
482 0 0 if $alt eq '<' and $$patches[0] > $wanted
483 0 0 if ($alt eq '>' and $$patches[0] > $wanted) { }
0 0 elsif ($alt eq '<' and $$patches[-1] < $wanted) { }
484 0 0 if $closest > $$patches[0]
491 0 0 if ($alt eq '<') { }
492 0 0 if $p > $wanted
495 0 0 if $p >= $wanted
499 0 0 if ($alt eq '<') { }
500 0 0 if ($closest == 0)
504 0 0 if ($closest == 999999999)