Condition Coverage

Criterion Covered Total %
condition 25 92 27.1

and 2 conditions

line l !l condition
255 0 139 ($!, $@, $?) = ($errno, $eval_error, $child_error) and return bless({%$current, '_is_canon', undef, 'errno', $errno, 'eval_error', $eval_error, 'child_error', $child_error, '_is_spawn', [$pkg, $file, $line, $sub]}, 'Test2::API::Context')

and 3 conditions

line !l l&&!r l&&r condition
241 0 0 0 $level >= 0 and not $pkg
245 0 139 886 not $end_phase and !$current || $depth <= $current->{'_depth'} + $params{'wrapped'}
139 92 794 not $end_phase and !$current || $depth <= $current->{'_depth'} + $params{'wrapped'} and caller $depth + 1
249 92 139 0 $current and $params{'on_release'}
139 0 0 $current and $params{'on_release'} and $depth_ok
255 92 0 139 $current and $depth_ok
404 0 0 0 not $ok and $err =~ /Label not found for "last T2_SUBTEST_WRAPPER"/
0 0 0 &blessed($err) and $err->isa('Test2::Hub::Interceptor::Terminator')
418 0 0 0 $ok and not $hub->no_ending
0 0 0 $ok and not $hub->no_ending and not $hub->ended
482 0 0 0 not $ok and $err =~ /Label not found for "last T2_SUBTEST_WRAPPER"/
0 0 0 &blessed($err) and &blessed($err) eq 'Test::Builder::Exception'
503 0 0 0 $ok and not $hub->no_ending
0 0 0 $ok and not $hub->no_ending and not $hub->ended
508 0 0 0 $ok && $hub->is_passing
526 0 0 0 defined $plan_ok and not $plan_ok

or 2 conditions

line l !l condition
6 0 6 $ENV{'TEST_ACTIVE'} ||= 1
234 231 0 ${^GLOBAL_PHASE} || 'NA'
250 0 0 $current->{'_on_release'} ||= []

or 3 conditions

line l !l&&r !l&&!r condition
33 6 0 0 $] ge '5.014' or $ENV{'T2_CHECK_DEPTH'}
0 0 0 $] ge '5.014' or $ENV{'T2_CHECK_DEPTH'} or $Test2::API::DO_DEPTH_CHECK
195 0 0 0 $hid ||= $STACK->top->hid
224 225 6 0 $params{'stack'} || $STACK
225 45 186 0 $params{'hub'} || (@$stack ? $stack->[-1] : $stack->top)
235 0 0 231 $ENDING || $phase eq 'END' || $phase eq 'DESTRUCT'
239 231 0 0 $pkg or $end_phase
245 347 539 139 !$current || $depth <= $current->{'_depth'} + $params{'wrapped'}
247 92 139 0 $end_phase || !$current || $current->{'_depth'} < $depth
404 0 0 0 not $ok and $err =~ /Label not found for "last T2_SUBTEST_WRAPPER"/ or &blessed($err) and $err->isa('Test2::Hub::Interceptor::Terminator')
439 0 0 0 $ctx->stack || $STACK
482 0 0 0 not $ok and $err =~ /Label not found for "last T2_SUBTEST_WRAPPER"/ or &blessed($err) and &blessed($err) eq 'Test::Builder::Exception'