Branch Coverage

Criterion Covered Total %
branch 14 26 53.8

line true false branch
94 0 2 ref $_[0] ? :
109 0 14 unless ref $_[0]
135 2 5 unless $$self{'_metrics'}
142 0 2 unless my $funcs = 'Class::Inspector'->functions($class)
154 0 8 unless $self->can($method)
176 6 0 if ($self->process_file($file)) { }
197 0 6 unless my $file = _INSTANCE(shift(), 'Perl::Metrics::File')
201 0 6 unless (-f $file->path)
221 0 4 unless (exists $metrics{$name})
228 4 0 unless (defined $metrics{$name} or defined $object->version)
237 0 0 if (defined $metrics{$name} and defined $object->version and $object->version == $metrics{$name})
250 2 4 unless (@todo or keys %metrics)
256 0 4 if ($@ or not $Document)