Branch Coverage

Criterion Covered Total %
branch 27 32 84.3

line true false branch
30 1 19 if (my $this_policies_arg = $args->{'prohibit_reused_names'})
40 2 272 if ($token_type == 109 or $token_type == 114 or $token_type == 113 or $token_type == 115)
50 49 223 if ($token_type == 110)
56 3 220 if ($token_type == 128)
61 64 156 if ($token_type == 62 or $token_type == 91)
67 4 60 if ($token_type == 107)
72 0 17 if ($token_type == 107)
77 4 13 if ($token_type == 108)
78 4 0 if --$lpnum <= 0
82 8 5 if ($var_token_types{$token_type})
84 0 8 if (&List::Util::any(sub { $_ eq $token_data; } , @allows))
88 4 4 if (&List::Util::any(sub { $_ eq $token_data; } , &List::Flatten::flat(@local_vars_by_depth)))
104 0 4 if ($depth < 0 and scalar @local_vars_by_depth < -$depth)
116 6 54 if (&List::Util::any(sub { $_ eq $token_data; } , @allows))
120 24 30 if (&List::Util::any(sub { $_ eq $token_data; } , &List::Flatten::flat(@local_vars_by_depth)))
136 0 30 if ($depth < 0 and scalar @local_vars_by_depth < -$depth)