Branch Coverage

Criterion Covered Total %
branch 67 74 90.5

line true false branch
16 1 12 if (my $this_packages_arg = $args->{'require_constant_version'})
29 10 1606 if ($token_type == 94 and $token_data eq 'version')
35 7 1599 if ($token_type == 65)
41 158 1441 if ($token_type == 106)
46 16 1425 if ($token_type == 70)
47 0 16 unless $token = $$tokens[++$i]
48 4 12 if ($token->{'type'} == 107)
54 2 39 if ($token_type == 107) { }
6 33 elsif ($token_type == 108) { }
58 4 2 if --$lpnum <= 0
65 1244 197 if ($token_type != 194 and $token_type != 166)
69 6 191 if ($token_data ne '$VERSION')
73 4 187 if ($is_version_assigner)
86 184 33 if ($token_type == 65 or $token_type == 57) { }
1 32 elsif ($token_type == 35) { }
2 30 elsif ($token_type == 106) { }
98 1 184 if ($is_invalid)
106 61 389 if ($token_type == 106) { }
27 362 elsif ($token_type == 172) { }
5 357 elsif ($token_type == 146) { }
109 248 elsif ($token_type == 70 or $token_type == 87 or $token_type == 19 or $token_type == 127 or $token_type == 35 or $token_type == 111) { }
4 244 elsif ($token_type == 65) { }
14 230 elsif ($token_type == 166 or $token_type == 194) { }
18 212 elsif ($token_type == 122) { }
110 6 21 if ($is_invalid = $class->_is_interpolation($token_data))
116 0 5 unless $token = $tokens->[$i]
117 2 3 if ($is_invalid = $class->_is_interpolation($token->{'data'}))
139 10 8 if ($token_data eq 'qv') { }
8 0 elsif ($token_data eq 'version') { }
140 2 8 unless ($is_used_version)
146 4 4 unless ($is_used_version)
151 0 4 unless $token = $$tokens[++$i]
152 0 4 if ($token->{'type'} != 125)
156 0 4 unless $token = $$tokens[++$i]
157 0 4 if ($token->{'type'} != 64 and $token->{'data'} ne 'new')
169 125 60 if ($is_invalid or $is_var_assigned)
187 8 1 if (length($1) % 2 == 0) { }