Branch Coverage

Criterion Covered Total %
branch 15 16 93.7

line true false branch
33 2 7 if (defined(my $single_quote_allowed_operators = $args->{'single_quote_allowed_operators'}))
41 2 7 if (defined(my $double_quote_allowed_operators = $args->{'double_quote_allowed_operators'}))
48 2 7 if (defined(my $back_quote_allowed_operators = $args->{'back_quote_allowed_operators'}))
60 70 404 if ($TARGET_REGS{$token_type})
62 70 0 if ($next_token and $next_token->{'type'} == 151)
66 9 61 if ($next_token_data eq q['] and not $target_regs_allows_single_quote{$token_data}) { }
17 44 elsif ($next_token_data eq '"' and not $target_regs_allows_double_quote{$token_data}) { }
12 32 elsif ($next_token_data eq '`' and not $target_regs_allows_back_quote{$token_data}) { }