Branch Coverage

Criterion Covered Total %
branch 43 46 93.4

line true false branch
18 2 6 if (my $this_policies_arg = $args->{'require_test_labels'})
31 6 85 if ($token_type == 93 or $token_type == 71)
32 0 6 if $is_loaded
38 18 6 if ($token_type == 127 or $token_type == 126) { }
46 5 1 if (&any(sub { $_ eq $used_module_name; } , @target_test_module))
52 48 37 if ($token_type == 122)
53 8 40 if ($token_data eq 'pass' or $token_data eq 'fail')
54 6 2 if ($$tokens[$i + 1]{'type'} == 106 or $$tokens[$i + 1]{'type'} == 107 and $$tokens[$i + 2]{'type'} == 108)
73 11 29 if ($token_data eq 'ok') { }
3 26 elsif ($token_data eq 'cmp_ok') { }
26 0 elsif ($token_data eq 'is' or $token_data eq 'isnt' or $token_data eq 'like' or $token_data eq 'unlike' or $token_data eq 'is_deeply') { }
89 40 0 if ($expected_commma_num)
95 39 1 if $$tokens[$i + 1]{'type'} == 107
102 1 256 if ($token_type == 107) { }
10 246 elsif ($token_type == 109) { }
6 240 elsif ($token_type == 111) { }
40 200 elsif ($token_type == 108) { }
10 190 elsif ($token_type == 110) { }
6 184 elsif ($token_type == 112) { }
44 140 elsif ($token_type == 104 and $left_paren_num <= 0 and $left_brace_num <= 0 and $left_bracket_num <= 0) { }
40 100 elsif ($token_type == 106 and $left_paren_num <= 0 and $left_brace_num <= 0 and $left_bracket_num <= 0) { }
134 28 12 if ($comma_num < $expected_commma_num)
150 5 3 if $is_loaded