Condition Coverage

Criterion Covered Total %
condition 48 56 85.7

and 3 conditions

line !l l&&!r l&&r condition
40 74 2 2 $token_type == 127 and $token_data eq 'Carp'
71 76 0 2 $token_type == 122 and &any(sub { $_ eq $token_data; } , @terminal_funcs)

or 2 conditions

line l !l condition
17 1 15 $args->{'require_final_return'}{'terminal_funcs'} || ''
64 13 11 $is_returned_in_cond //= 1
132 4 0 $next_token->{'kind'} || -1
138 2 1 $next_token->{'kind'} || -1

or 3 conditions

line l !l&&r !l&&!r condition
40 8 2 117 $token_type == 96 or $token_type == 98
10 11 106 $token_type == 96 or $token_type == 98 or $token_type == 97
13 3 103 $token_type == 96 or $token_type == 98 or $token_type == 97 or $token_type == 99
1 0 102 $token_type == 133 or $token_type == 134
1 1 101 $token_type == 133 or $token_type == 134 or $token_type == 132
1 0 101 $token_type == 133 or $token_type == 134 or $token_type == 132 or $token_type == 100
8 1 92 $token_type == 0 or $token_type == 85
46 15 0 21 $is_returned or $is_returned_in_cond
71 16 0 78 $token_type == 0 or $token_type == 85
108 2 2 2 $token_data eq 'die' or $token_data eq 'exec'
4 2 0 $token_data eq 'die' or $token_data eq 'exec' or $token_data eq 'exit'
126 2 1 5 $token_data eq 'croak' or $token_data eq 'confess'
3 1 4 $token_data eq 'croak' or $token_data eq 'confess' or &any(sub { $_ eq $token_data; } , @terminal_funcs)
162 1 1 0 $target_token_data eq 'croak' or $target_token_data eq 'confess'