Condition Coverage

Criterion Covered Total %
condition 30 43 69.7

and 3 conditions

line !l l&&!r l&&r condition
60 47 0 0 $depth < 0 and scalar @is_tested_by_depth < -$depth
84 20 4 6 $exceptions{$token_data} and $token_type == 122
97 0 0 2 $exceptions{$token_data} and $token_type == 64
110 484 2 56 $token_type == 137 and $token_data =~ /\A\$[1-9][0-9]*\Z/
139 7 0 0 $depth + 1 < 0 and scalar @is_tested_by_depth < -$depth + 1
166 20 0 0 $depth < 0 and scalar @is_tested_by_depth < -$depth

or 2 conditions

line l !l condition
38 1 0 $this_policies_arg->{'exception_source'} || ''
170 7 13 $is_tested_by_depth[$depth] ||= 0

or 3 conditions

line l !l&&r !l&&!r condition
52 0 0 589 $token_type == 145 or $token_type == 146
58 43 4 542 $token_type == 187 or $token_type == 156
67 10 20 81 $token_type == 53 or $token_type == 14
84 6 4 20 $exceptions{$token_data} and $token_type == 122 or $token_type == 70
10 0 20 $exceptions{$token_data} and $token_type == 122 or $token_type == 70 or $transfer_of_control_stmt_token_types{$token_type}
131 6 1 36 $token_type == 187 or $token_type == 156
152 6 0 18 $token_type == 187 or $token_type == 156