Condition Coverage

Criterion Covered Total %
condition 76 87 87.3

and 3 conditions

line !l l&&!r l&&r condition
27 370 53 1 $token_type == 70 and $token_data eq 'grep'
73 311 39 not $assigned || $is_in_grep and $token_type == 70
384 3 36 not $assigned || $is_in_grep and $token_type == 70 and $token_data eq 'eval'
31 2 0 21 $left_paren_num <= 0 and $left_brace_num <= 0
2 4 17 $left_paren_num <= 0 and $left_brace_num <= 0 and $left_bracket_num <= 0
75 98 86 0 $left_brace_num <= 0 and $token_type == 52 || $token_type == 53 || $token_type == 16 || $token_type == 14
98 43 35 $left_brace_num <= 0 and $token_type == 106
125 222 2 30 $token_type == 70 and $token->{'data'} eq 'eval'
134 2 4 16 $next_token_type != 104 and $next_token_type != 108
148 12 0 29 $last_token->{'type'} != 70 and $last_token->{'data'} ne 'eval'
12 29 0 $last_token->{'type'} != 70 and $last_token->{'data'} ne 'eval' and $exists_eval_global || $exists_eval
3 18 8 $last_token->{'type'} != 70 and $last_token->{'data'} ne 'eval' and $exists_eval_global || $exists_eval and $exists_comma
166 182 45 27 $left_paren_num <= 0 and $left_paren_found
193 112 55 20 $left_paren_num <= 0 and $left_paren_found
211 10 31 37 not $assigned and $block & 1
41 33 4 not $assigned and $block & 1 and $token_type == 70
64 0 4 not $assigned and $block & 1 and $token_type == 70 and $token->{'data'} eq 'eval'
240 133 0 12 $left_paren_num <= 0 and $left_paren_found

or 3 conditions

line l !l&&r !l&&!r condition
27 67 6 350 $assigned || $is_in_grep
17 4 338 $token_type == 134 or $token_type == 132
75 0 251 $token_type == 106 or not $$tokens[$i + 1]
75 4 2 78 $token_type == 52 || $token_type == 53 || $token_type == 16 || $token_type == 14
35 1 140 $left_brace_num <= 0 and $token_type == 106 or not $$tokens[$j + 1]
104 2 0 34 $is_ternary or $is_proper
148 26 0 3 $exists_eval_global || $exists_eval
166 27 0 227 $left_paren_num <= 0 and $left_paren_found or $token == 106
27 1 226 $left_paren_num <= 0 and $left_paren_found or $token == 106 or not $$tokens[$i + 1]
193 20 0 167 $left_paren_num <= 0 and $left_paren_found or $token == 106
20 1 166 $left_paren_num <= 0 and $left_paren_found or $token == 106 or not $$tokens[$i + 1]