Branch Coverage

Criterion Covered Total %
branch 18 18 100.0

line true false branch
20 24 112 if ($token_type == 65)
23 22 2 if ($token->{'type'} == 107)
35 2 136 if ($token_type == 107) { }
24 112 elsif ($token_type == 108) { }
9 103 elsif ($token->{'kind'} == 1) { }
34 69 elsif ($token_type == 104) { }
40 22 2 if (--$left_paren_num <= 0)
42 12 6 if (not $is_nested and !$does_exist_procedure || $does_exist_any_comma and $num_of_item > 1 and $end_line - $begin_line > 0)
49 9 3 if ($just_before_token->{'type'} != 104)