Condition Coverage

Criterion Covered Total %
condition 29 36 80.5

and 3 conditions

line !l l&&!r l&&r condition
30 0 0 4 $token_type == 70 and $token->{'data'} eq 'grep'
37 36 0 6 $token_type == 70 and $token->{'data'} eq 'grep'
45 0 1 5 $is_grep_called and not $is_in_numeric_comparison_context
75 275 3 19 $token_type == 70 and $token->{'data'} eq 'grep'
93 16 5 11 $is_grep_called and $is_in_boolean_context
21 1 10 $is_grep_called and $is_in_boolean_context and not $is_in_numeric_comparison_context

or 3 conditions

line l !l&&r !l&&!r condition
22 4 2 301 $token_type == 96 or $token_type == 99
6 2 299 $token_type == 96 or $token_type == 99 or $token_type == 132
4 2 297 $token_type == 96 or $token_type == 99 or $token_type == 132 or $token_type == 100
79 0 12 285 $token_type == 53 or $token_type == 52
12 0 285 $token_type == 53 or $token_type == 52 or $token_type == 14
12 0 285 $token_type == 53 or $token_type == 52 or $token_type == 14 or $token_type == 16