Condition Coverage

Criterion Covered Total %
condition 49 63 77.7

and 3 conditions

line !l l&&!r l&&r condition
87 141 0 44 $token_type == 137 and $token_data eq '$_'
147 7 0 12 $$token{'type'} == 144 and my(@opts) = $$token{'data'} =~ /([cdrs])/g
186 0 0 2 $$token{'type'} == 137 and $$token{'data'} eq '$_'
225 11 3 27 $$token{'type'} == 144 and my(@opts) = $$token{'data'} =~ /([cdrs])/g
266 7 0 4 $token_type == 137 and $token_data eq '$_'
303 0 0 4 $token_type == 137 and $$token{'data'} eq '$_'
326 4 0 2 $token_type == 137 and $token_data eq '$_'
341 3 0 2 $token_type == 137 and $$token{'data'} eq '$_'
367 0 0 1 $$token{'type'} == 137 and $$token{'data'} eq '$_'

or 3 conditions

line l !l&&r !l&&!r condition
75 104 4 577 $token_type == 70 or $token_type == 122
87 1 1 139 $token_type == 45 or $token_type == 46
3 13 82 $token_type == 122 or $token_type == 70
16 5 77 $token_type == 122 or $token_type == 70 or $token_type == 207
102 19 1 22 $assigner{$token_type} or $token_type == 45
20 1 21 $assigner{$token_type} or $token_type == 45 or $token_type == 46
145 8 8 3 $is_replace_to_empty || $is_equal_src_between_dst
163 2 2 0 $is_replace_to_empty || $is_equal_src_between_dst
223 16 16 9 $is_replace_to_empty || $is_equal_src_between_dst
241 4 4 0 $is_replace_to_empty || $is_equal_src_between_dst
262 6 7 8 $token_data eq 'chop' or $token_data eq 'chomp'
266 0 2 11 $token_type == 106 or $token_type == 110