Branch Coverage

Criterion Covered Total %
branch 22 24 91.6

line true false branch
23 4 30 unless $elem->complete and $elem->braces eq '{}'
26 30 0 if @contents == 1 and $contents[0]->isa('PPI::Statement::Expression')
29 1 5 if (@contents > 1 and $contents[0]->isa('PPI::Token::Word') and not $contents[1]->isa('PPI::Structure::List') and not $contents[1]->isa('PPI::Token::Operator') && ($contents[1] eq ',' || $contents[1] eq '=>'))
36 33 18 unless $_->isa('PPI::Token::Operator') and $_ eq ',' || $_ eq '=>'
38 8 21 unless &any(sub {
42 2 0 if $prev and $prev->isa('PPI::Token::Cast') and $prev eq '@' || $prev eq '%'
48 1 33 if $found_symbol and not $prev->isa('PPI::Token::Cast')
49 12 21 if ($prev->isa('PPI::Token::Symbol')) { }
5 16 elsif ($prev->isa('PPI::Structure::Block')) { }
8 8 elsif ($found_symbol and $prev->isa('PPI::Token::Cast')) { }
57 1 5 unless $prev->isa('PPI::Structure::Subscript') or $prev->isa('PPI::Token::Operator') and $prev eq '->'
61 6 11 if $cast and $cast eq '@' || $cast eq '%'