Branch Coverage

Criterion Covered Total %
branch 23 28 82.1

line true false branch
92 2726 2 @_ >= 2 ? :
93 4 2724 ref $self eq 'HASH' ? :
94 2 2726 unless defined $source_code
97 0 2726 &blessed($source_code) && $source_code->isa('Perl::Critic::Document') ? :
105 2 2724 if (0 == $self->policies)
121 2721 3 unless ($self->config->force)
134 0 2724 if (@violations and my $top = $self->config->top)
135 0 0 @violations < $top ? :
150 10 6981 unless $policy->prepare_to_scan_document($doc)
153 0 6981 if defined $maximum_violations and $maximum_violations == 0
160 663 9381 if ($type eq 'PPI::Document') { }
164 4176 5205 unless $doc->find($type)
179 133 3038 if ($doc->line_is_disabled_for_policy($line, $policy))
185 37 3001 if defined $maximum_violations and @violations >= $maximum_violations