Condition Coverage

Criterion Covered Total %
condition 69 91 75.8

and 3 conditions

line !l l&&!r l&&r condition
349 5 3698 62 &blessed($elem) and $elem->isa("PPI::Statement::Sub")
712 82 3831 586 $sib and $sib->isa("PPI::Structure::List")
723 40 3770 53 $sib and $sib->isa("PPI::Token::Operator")
3810 31 22 $sib and $sib->isa("PPI::Token::Operator") and $sib eq "=>"
760 250 7 1 $statement->isa('PPI::Statement::Break') && $psib =~ /(?:redo|goto|next|last)/mosx
779 1538 0 13 _is_dereference_operator($elem->snext_sibling) && !_is_dereference_operator($elem->sprevious_sibling)
789 1786 221 66 $elem->isa('PPI::Token::Operator') && $elem eq '->'
812 389 0 46 $stmnt->isa('PPI::Statement::Sub') && $sib eq 'sub'
843 0 8 0 &blessed($doc) and $doc->isa("Perl::Critic::Document")
878 12 10 2 $parent->isa("PPI::Structure::Block") and $token->statement->snext_sibling
885 0 8 2 $parent->isa("PPI::Structure::Block") and not $grand_parent->isa("PPI::Statement::Compound")
964 894 0 177 $iter->isa("PPI::Token::Structure") and $iter eq $SCOLON
965 562 267 65 $iter->isa("PPI::Token::Operator") and $MIN_PRECEDENCE_TO_TERMINATE_PARENLESS_ARG_LIST <= precedence_of($iter)
982 1127 6 547 $node->isa("PPI::Token::Operator") and $node eq $COMMA || $node eq $FATCOMMA
1090 145 18 0 -d $_ and $SKIP_DIR{$_}
18 0 145 -f $_ and not _is_backup($_)
18 0 145 -f $_ and not _is_backup($_) and _is_perl($_)
1136 0 3 6 defined $first and $first =~ / \A [#]!.*perl /msx
1199 17 10 41 $elem ne "or" and $elem ne "||"
1338 0 4 14 $arg->[0]->isa("PPI::Token::Quote") and $elem eq $arg->[0]->string
1345 0 0 6 $arg->[0]->isa("PPI::Token::Quote") and $elem eq $arg->[0]->string
1365 0 17 2 $first_arg and $first_arg->isa("PPI::Token::Number")
1374 0 5 5 $builtins and $$builtins{$elem->content}
1381 0 0 10 $builtins and $$builtins{$elem->content}

or 2 conditions

line l !l condition
856 1 2 $doc->filename || (return)
1069 865 0 shift() || (return $SEVERITY_HIGHEST)

or 3 conditions

line l !l&&r !l&&!r condition
331 959 0 0 eval qq["$literal"] || confess($Perl::Critic::Utils::EVAL_ERROR)
982 540 7 6 $node eq $COMMA || $node eq $FATCOMMA
1037 1 1 0 $FORMAT_OF{abs int $verbosity} || $DEFAULT_FORMAT
1335 18 1 4 $include->pragma eq "autodie" or &any(sub {