Branch Coverage

Criterion Covered Total %
branch 0 40 0.0

line true false branch
29 0 0 unless $class ne 'Payment::Sisow'
35 0 0 unless $$self{'PS_m_id'} = $$args{'merchant_id'}
36 0 0 unless $$self{'PS_m_key'} = $$args{'merchant_key'}
53 0 0 $b ? :
60 0 0 unless my $p = $self->_transaction_status('transaction', $tid, 'merchantid', $self->merchantId, 'merchantkey', $self->merchantKey)
74 0 0 unless my $p = $self->_transaction_info('transaction', $tid, 'merchantid', $self->merchantId, 'merchantkey', $self->merchantKey)
91 0 0 unless my $purchase_id = $args{'purchase_id'}
92 0 0 if (length $purchase_id > 16)
100 0 0 if (my $d = $args{'description'})
107 0 0 if (length $d > 32)
116 0 0 if (length $entrance > 40)
122 0 0 if $entrance eq $purchase_id
126 0 0 if $payment eq 'ideal' and not $bank_id
129 0 0 unless my $return = $args{'return_url'}
133 0 0 if defined $cancel and $cancel eq $return
134 0 0 if defined $callback and $callback eq $return
136 0 0 $payment eq 'ideal' ? :
0 0 unless my $p = $self->_start_transaction('merchantid', $self->merchantId, 'merchantkey', $self->merchantKey, 'payment', $payment eq 'ideal' ? '' : $payment, 'issuerid', $bank_id, 'amount', $amount_cent, 'purchaseid', $purchase_id, 'description', $description, 'entrancecode', $entrance, 'returnurl', $return, 'cancelurl', $cancel, 'callbackurl', $callback, 'notifyurl', $notify)
163 0 0 @_ > 1 ? :
171 0 0 if $checksum eq $$qs{'sha1'}