Condition Coverage

Criterion Covered Total %
condition 10 36 27.7

and 3 conditions

line !l l&&!r l&&r condition
44 0 966 0 $Patro::SERVER_VERSION and $Patro::SERVER_VERSION <= 0.1
62 0 0 69 $objdata->{'id'} and $objdata->{'ref'}
0 0 69 $objdata->{'id'} and $objdata->{'ref'} and $objdata->{'reftype'}
175 443 0 12 $resp->{'out'} and ref $resp->{'out'} eq 'ARRAY'
182 0 0 0 $resp->{'sideA'} and $@ =~ /Modification of a read-only .../
0 0 0 $resp->{'sideA'} and $@ =~ /Modification of a read-only .../ and $_[$index] eq $val
275 22 0 12 $overloads and $overloads->{$op}
329 0 0 3 $overloads and $overloads->{$op}

or 3 conditions

line l !l&&r !l&&!r condition
96 6 0 9 $proxy->{'reftype'} eq 'CODE' or $proxy->{'reftype'} eq 'CODE*'
304 0 0 0 $op eq '!' or $op eq 'not'
310 0 0 0 $op eq '=' or $op =~ /^[^<=>]=/
316 0 0 0 $op eq '=' or $op =~ /^[^<=>]=/