Condition Coverage

Criterion Covered Total %
condition 118 153 77.1

and 3 conditions

line !l l&&!r l&&r condition
773 13 4 1 defined $line_info and ref $line_info ne 'Parse::Readelf::Debug::Line'
833 76526 84 3 /$re_section_stop/ and not /$re_section_start/
840 15448 7032 33 defined $re_linkage_name_tag[$version] and /$re_linkage_name_tag[$version]/
11865 5448 21 defined $re_signature_tag[$version] and /$re_signature_tag[$version]/
850 5922 87 2235 defined $$item{$_} and not $$item{$_} =~ /^S/
868 12198 114 0 defined $$item{'abstract_origin'} and defined $$item{'type_tag'} eq 'DW_TAG_variable'
882 323 153 8 $$item{'type_tag'} eq 'DW_TAG_member' and defined $$item{'member_location'}
476 0 8 $$item{'type_tag'} eq 'DW_TAG_member' and defined $$item{'member_location'} and defined $$item{'type'}
153 3 5 $$item{'type_tag'} eq 'DW_TAG_member' and defined $$item{'member_location'} and defined $$item{'type'} and defined $self{'item_map'}{$$item{'type'}}
3 0 5 $$item{'type_tag'} eq 'DW_TAG_member' and defined $$item{'member_location'} and defined $$item{'type'} and defined $self{'item_map'}{$$item{'type'}} and not defined $self{'item_map'}{$$item{'type'}}{'member_location'}
916 11777 0 30 $$item{'type_tag'} eq 'DW_TAG_inheritance' and not defined $$item{'decl_file'}
11777 0 30 $$item{'type_tag'} eq 'DW_TAG_inheritance' and not defined $$item{'decl_file'} and defined $level_stack[$$item{'level'} - 1]{'decl_file'}
929 3685 8004 139 not defined $name and $$item{'type_tag'} =~ /^DW_TAG_(?:class|structure|union)_type$/
11689 33 106 not defined $name and $$item{'type_tag'} =~ /^DW_TAG_(?:class|structure|union)_type$/ and defined $$item{'specification'}
8037 6 100 not defined $name and $$item{'type_tag'} =~ /^DW_TAG_(?:class|structure|union)_type$/ and defined $$item{'specification'} and defined $self{'item_map'}{$$item{'specification'}}
962 11358 0 470 $$item{'type_tag'} eq 'DW_TAG_pointer_type' and not defined $$item{'name'}
11358 451 19 $$item{'type_tag'} eq 'DW_TAG_pointer_type' and not defined $$item{'name'} and not defined $$item{'type'}
1055 13196 10316 144 defined $$item{$_} and $$item{$_} =~ /^S([0-9A-F]+)/i
1160 352 2489 11313 defined $$_{'name'} and not $$_{'name'} =~ /$re_name/
1161 2489 0 352 not defined $$_{'name'} and $re_name ne ''
0 292 60 $$_{'type_tag'} =~ /^DW_TAG_(?:class|structure|union)_type$/ && defined $$_{'specification'} && $$this{'item_map'}{$$_{'specification'}}{'name'} =~ /$re_name/
2489 60 292 not defined $$_{'name'} and $re_name ne '' and not $$_{'type_tag'} =~ /^DW_TAG_(?:class|structure|union)_type$/ && defined $$_{'specification'} && $$this{'item_map'}{$$_{'specification'}}{'name'} =~ /$re_name/
1168 0 911 1638 defined $$_{'type_tag'} and not $$_{'type_tag'} =~ /$re_type_tag/
1169 911 0 0 not defined $$_{'type_tag'} and $re_type_tag ne ''
1237 0 282 407 defined $item and defined $$item{'decl_file'}
1262 386 12 2 not defined $name and $level < 1
398 0 2 not defined $name and $level < 1 and $$item{'type_tag'} =~ /^DW_TAG_(?:class|structure|union)_type$/
12 0 2 not defined $name and $level < 1 and $$item{'type_tag'} =~ /^DW_TAG_(?:class|structure|union)_type$/ and defined $$item{'specification'}
0 0 2 not defined $name and $level < 1 and $$item{'type_tag'} =~ /^DW_TAG_(?:class|structure|union)_type$/ and defined $$item{'specification'} and defined $$this{'item_map'}{$$item{'specification'}}
1326 12 0 4 defined $$type{'type'} and defined $$this{'item_map'}{$$type{'type'}}
1350 77 6 246 $size == 0 and defined $$type{'byte_size'}
83 0 246 $size == 0 and defined $$type{'byte_size'} and $$type{'byte_size'} > 0
1359 275 48 6 $$type{'type_tag'} =~ /^DW_TAG_(?:class|structure|union)_type$/ and defined $$type{'specification'}
1367 327 2 0 $type_name eq '' and $prefix || $postfix
1373 0 327 2 defined $re_substructure_filter and $type_name =~ /$re_substructure_filter/
1378 329 0 6 $size == 0 and defined $$type{'type'}
329 0 6 $size == 0 and defined $$type{'type'} and $type = $$this{'item_map'}{$$type{'type'}}
1382 0 0 6 defined $$type{'byte_size'} and $$type{'byte_size'} > 0
1389 400 0 13 $name =~ /\[(\d+)\]/g and $1 > 0
1421 0 0 400 defined $$item{'compilation_unit'} and defined $$item{'decl_file'}
0 0 400 defined $$item{'compilation_unit'} and defined $$item{'decl_file'} and defined $$item{'decl_line'}
1431 330 63 7 $$item{'type_tag'} =~ /^DW_TAG_(?:class|structure|union)_type$/ and not $name
393 0 7 $$item{'type_tag'} =~ /^DW_TAG_(?:class|structure|union)_type$/ and not $name and not $type_name
63 0 7 $$item{'type_tag'} =~ /^DW_TAG_(?:class|structure|union)_type$/ and not $name and not $type_name and 0 == @bit_data

or 3 conditions

line l !l&&r !l&&!r condition
758 1 18 1 ref $this || $this
1255 110 241 56 $display_nested_items or $$item{'type_tag'} ne 'DW_TAG_structure_type'
351 7 49 $display_nested_items or $$item{'type_tag'} ne 'DW_TAG_structure_type' or $level < 1
248 42 7 $display_nested_items or $$item{'type_tag'} ne 'DW_TAG_structure_type' or $level < 1 or $$item{'type_tag'} ne $$this{'tag_stack'}[$level - 1]
1282 77 0 323 defined $$item{'bit_size'} or defined $$item{'bit_offset'}
1367 0 0 2 $prefix || $postfix
1403 625 0 264 $$a[$OFFSET] <=> $$b[$OFFSET] or defined $$a[$BITOFFSET] ? defined $$b[$BITOFFSET] ? $$a[$BITOFFSET] <=> $$b[$BITOFFSET] : 1 : (defined $$b[$BITOFFSET] ? -1 : 0)