Condition Coverage

Criterion Covered Total %
condition 46 61 75.4

and 2 conditions

line l !l condition
87 0 31 $rv and scalar keys %args
945 16 0 &$saveEntry() and $i = 0

and 3 conditions

line !l l&&!r l&&r condition
118 0 58 0 defined $arg and exists $self->{$arg}
214 1 15 2 defined $self->{$arg} and ref $self->{$arg} ne ''
345 1 0 2 -e $file and -r _
449 17 12 0 $smart and exists $coerce->{$param}
461 34 20 0 $smart and exists $coerce->{$param}
594 16 13 3 $coerceType eq 'string' and ref $value ne ''
19 7 3 $coerceType eq 'list' and ref $value ne 'ARRAY'
20 3 3 $coerceType eq 'hash' and ref $value ne 'HASH'
916 92 20 0 $smart and exists $self->{'COERCE'}{$field}
20 0 0 $smart and exists $self->{'COERCE'}{$field} and $self->{'COERCE'}{$field} eq 'scalar'

or 3 conditions

line l !l&&r !l&&!r condition
130 0 4 33 $arg eq 'CONF' or $arg eq 'COERCE'
4 3 30 $arg eq 'CONF' or $arg eq 'COERCE' or $arg eq 'DEFAULTS'
157 2 2 2 $ival eq 'string' or $ival eq 'list'
4 1 1 $ival eq 'string' or $ival eq 'list' or $ival eq 'hash'
276 17 0 9 shift() || $self->{'FILE'}
377 4 0 1 shift() || $self->{'FILE'}
726 9 6 6 $itype eq 'string' or $itype eq 'list'
15 6 0 $itype eq 'string' or $itype eq 'list' or $itype eq 'hash'
958 96 207 0 length $entry or $line =~ /\Q$tagDelim\E/ms