Condition Coverage

Criterion Covered Total %
condition 4 48 8.3

and 3 conditions

line !l l&&!r l&&r condition
49 0 1000 0 defined $asup and length $asup
124 0 0 0 $maj == 8 and $min > 0
397 0 0 0 length $ex{'acp_list_all'} and $lines[0] =~ /^$/
481 0 0 0 scalar @lines and $lines[0] =~ /<\?xml version="1.0"\?>/
483 0 0 0 scalar @lines and not $lines[0] =~ /<\?xml version="1.0"\?>/
537 0 0 0 defined $header{$key} and $key ne 'SERIAL_NUM'
0 0 0 defined $header{$key} and $header{$key} ne $sysconfig{$key}
627 0 0 0 defined $df[0] and $df[0] =~ m[^[\w\d/\.]+$]
709 0 0 0 defined $lun_conf[0] and $lun_conf[0] eq '===== LUN CONFIGURATION ====='
734 0 0 0 defined $lun_conf[0] and $lun_conf[0] =~ /^(\s{15,16}|\t{2})(\w.+): (.+)$/
738 0 0 0 defined $lun_conf[0] and $lun_conf[0] =~ /^\w/
830 0 0 0 scalar @chunk > 0 and $line =~ /^\s*([\w\-]+)\s+(online|offline)\s+(.+?)\s\s\s+(.+)$/
1845 7 1 0 not $trim and $raw =~ /((^[MTWFS][ouehra][neduit] [JFMASOND]\w\w \d\d? \d\d:\d\d:\d\d [A-Z]{1,4}([\+\-]\d+)? (\[[^\]]+]: .+?|last message repeated \d+ times.+?)\n\n?)+)/ms
2887 0 1 0 @lines and not $lines[0] =~ /^GENERATED_ON/

or 3 conditions

line l !l&&r !l&&!r condition
551 0 0 0 scalar keys %luns or not defined $lun_conf
902 0 0 0 $volstate eq 'offline' or $volstate eq 'busy'