Branch Coverage

Criterion Covered Total %
branch 65 82 79.2

line true false branch
326 21 6 if ('ARRAY' eq ref $iter) { }
2 4 elsif ('HASH' eq ref $iter) { }
4 0 elsif ('CODE' eq ref $iter) { }
330 76 50126 if $pos >= @ar
340 2 10 unless @k
358 542 9 if (my(@next) = &$iter()) { }
362 424 118 if defined $work and ref $work
364 0 542 if (my $err = $@) { }
396 0 76 unless pipe $child_rdr, $my_wtr
399 0 76 unless pipe $my_rdr, $child_wtr
402 76 0 if (my $pid = fork) { }
421 0 0 $err ? :
439 928 354 if @result_queue
440 337 17 if ($select->count)
446 939 75 if (defined(my $results = _get_obj($rh))) { }
448 928 11 if ($type eq 'R') { }
11 0 elsif ($type eq 'E') { }
461 938 0 unless ($eof)
462 863 75 if (my(@next) = &$iter()) { }
479 1 336 if (my $err = $@)
501 6 4 if (my $adapt = $options->{'adaptive'}) { }
505 4 2 unless "ARRAY" eq ref $adapt
509 4 2 unless defined $min and $min > 1
516 44 730 if $batch < $min
517 499 275 if defined $max and $batch > $max
524 741 33 @chunk ? :
535 204 22 @chunk ? :
544 955 49055 unless (@queue)
545 945 10 if (my(undef, $chunk) = &$code()) { }
569 27 0 'HASH' eq ref $_[0] ? :
571 0 27 unless @_ == 2
574 0 27 if @bad_opt
578 0 27 unless "CODE" eq ref $worker
583 26 1 if ($options{'onerror'} =~ /^(die|warn)$/)
588 0 27 unless "CODE" eq ref $options{'onerror'}
590 3 24 if ($options{'workers'} > 0 and $DEFAULTS{'workers'} == 0)
592 0 3 unless $options{'nowarn'}
596 9 18 $options{'workers'} == 0 ? :
598 10 17 if ($options{'batch'} > 1 or $options{'adaptive'}) { }
634 17 0 wantarray ? :
658 1 0 wantarray ? :