Condition Coverage

Criterion Covered Total %
condition 0 56 0.0

and 3 conditions

line !l l&&!r l&&r condition
73 0 0 0 $self->compression and not $self->compressed
148 0 0 0 $$self{'INFILEH'} and not $self->infile
153 0 0 0 $self->compression and not $self->compressed
167 0 0 0 $$self{'OUTFILEH'} and not $self->outfile
320 0 0 0 substr($block, $index + $y, 1) =~ /[\200-\377]/ and $y < 8
339 0 0 0 $pos > 0 and $index - $pos <= 2047
0 0 0 $pos > 0 and $index - $pos <= 2047 and $index < $block_len - $frag_size
347 0 0 0 $pos2 > 0 and $index - $pos2 <= 2047
0 0 0 $pos2 > 0 and $index - $pos2 <= 2047 and $index < $block_len - $frag_size
367 0 0 0 $pos2 > 0 and $index - $pos2 <= 2047
0 0 0 $pos2 > 0 and $index - $pos2 <= 2047 and $index < $block_len - $frag_size2
376 0 0 0 $pos2 > 0 and $index - $pos2 <= 2047
0 0 0 $pos2 > 0 and $index - $pos2 <= 2047 and $index < $block_len - $frag_size2
408 0 0 0 $byte eq ' ' and $byte2 =~ /[\100-\176]/
0 0 0 $byte eq ' ' and $byte2 =~ /[\100-\176]/ and $index <= $block_len - 1

or 2 conditions

line l !l condition
136 0 0 $$self{'INFILEH'} ||= \*STDIN
137 0 0 $$self{'OUTFILEH'} ||= \*STDOUT
152 0 0 close $$self{'INFILEH'} or die "Can't close input filehandle after reading: $!"
171 0 0 close $$self{'OUTFILEH'} or die "Can't close output filehandle after reading: $!"

or 3 conditions

line l !l&&r !l&&!r condition
16 0 0 0 ref $proto || $proto