Branch Coverage

Criterion Covered Total %
branch 21 28 75.0

line true false branch
34 1 4 unless (keys %{$$self{'rules'};})
86 55 0 if (exists $rules->{'*'})
88 15 260 if (@{$stack;} > 0 and lc $stack->[-1] eq $tmp)
93 21 34 if (exists $$rules{lc $tag})
95 7 27 if (@{$stack;} > 0 and lc $stack->[-1] eq $tmp)
111 11 0 if (exists $rules->{'*'})
113 2 53 if (@{$stack;} and lc $stack->[-1] eq $tmp)
128 14 0 if (exists $rules->{'*'})
130 7 63 if (lc $tag ne $tmp and lc $stack->[-1] eq $tmp)
136 8 6 if (exists $rules->{$tag})
138 10 1 if (lc $tag ne $tmp and lc $stack->[-1] eq $tmp)
143 14 0 if (lc $stack->[-1] eq lc $tag)
155 0 9 if (@{$stack;} > 0)
158 0 0 if ($pyx_parser->{'non_parser_options'}{'flush_stack'})