Branch Coverage

Criterion Covered Total %
branch 13 20 65.0

line true false branch
44 285 277 unless $ok
45 0 258 unless my($key, $value, $x, $ns) = $self->child->accept($node, $ctx, $lax)
52 0 258 if ($self->has_max and $found > $self->max)
77 0 2 if ($self->has_min) { }
78 0 0 if ($self->has_max) { }
86 2 0 if ($self->has_max) { }
108 346 55 if ($self->has_max and $self->max == 1) { }
111 64 282 if (defined $val)
118 1 54 if (not $val || $self->has_min) { }
0 54 elsif ($val and (ref $val || '') ne 'ARRAY') { }