Branch Coverage

Criterion Covered Total %
branch 41 42 97.6

line true false branch
146 729 702 if ($indented) { }
161 5 28 unless /^$indent/
182 99 618 unless ($t->{'line'} =~ /\G( ~? \s* (?: "[^"]*" | '[^']*' | `[^`]*` | \\?\w+ ) )/cgx)
197 133 485 if ($content =~ /^\<\<(~?)(\w+)$/) { }
245 240 elsif ($content =~ /^\<\<(~?)\s*\'(.*)\'$/) { }
38 202 elsif ($content =~ /^\<\<(~?)\s*\"(.*)\"$/) { }
182 20 elsif ($content =~ /^\<\<(~?)\s*\`(.*)\`$/) { }
20 0 elsif ($content =~ /^\<\<(~?)\\(\w+)$/) { }
200 5 128 if $1 eq "~"
206 210 35 if $1 eq "~"
213 26 12 if $1 eq "~"
220 176 6 if $1 eq "~"
227 2 18 if $1 eq "~"
239 147 996 if ($self->_is_terminator($terminator, $line, $token->{'_indented'}))
244 10 137 if ($token->{'_indented'})
248 1 9 unless ($self->_is_match_indent($token, $indent))
272 288 184 if (@heredoc and defined $heredoc[-1])
275 272 16 if ($t->{'source_eof_chop'})
284 18 270 if $self->_is_terminator($token->{'_terminator'}, $heredoc[-1], $token->{'_indented'})
287 6 404 if ($token->{'_indented'} and $token->{'_terminator_line'})
290 5 1 if ($self->_is_match_indent($token, $indent))