Condition Coverage

Criterion Covered Total %
condition 32 59 54.2

and 3 conditions

line !l l&&!r l&&r condition
285 1 0 0 $one_to_one and do { local $@; eval { do { $e->sql_error } } }
385 8 0 0 $return == 102 and $update_rel_return != 102
649 92 4 2 exists $fields->{$rel_type} and not @{$fields->{$rel_type};}
695 0 0 10 $rel_type and my $rels = $self->_fetchall_relationships(%args)
719 119 13 25 keys %type_fields > 0 and not exists $type_fields{$name}
774 0 0 3 $sqlite_constraint_failed and $err_id
0 0 3 $sqlite_constraint_failed and $err_id and $err_id == $sqlite_constraint_failed

or 2 conditions

line l !l condition
105 4 0 $args{'sort'} || []
141 6 0 delete $args{'sort'} || []
189 2 0 $@ || 'Unknown error'
206 5 0 $data->{'attributes'} || {}
207 3 2 delete $data->{'relationships'} || {}
281 1 0 $@ || 'Unknown error'
315 2 0 $@ || 'Unknown error'
338 1 0 $@ || 'Unknown error'
353 14 10 $_ || {}
448 0 0 $@ || 'Unknown error'
487 0 0 $@ || 'Unknown error'
582 6 1 $rows_fetched ||= -1
620 5 2 $page->{'offset'} ||= 0
766 3 0 $@ || 'Unknown error'
770 3 0 $DBI::errstr || 'Unknown SQL error'
771 3 0 $DBI::err || 0

or 3 conditions

line l !l&&r !l&&!r condition
107 0 0 1 @$sort > 1 or not $sort->[0] =~ /\A(-)?id\z/
617 1 6 0 not exists $page->{'offset'} or $page->{'offset'} =~ /\A[0-9]+\z/