Branch Coverage

Criterion Covered Total %
branch 27 32 84.3

line true false branch
41 28 14 if (&blessed($node) and $node->can('getAttribute') and $node->getAttribute('id')) { }
47 14 0 if ($node)
65 0 176 if defined $self->{'trueindex'}
79 0 176 if $is_new and $is_destroyed
81 3 173 if ($is_destroyed) { }
42 131 elsif ($self->is_textnode) { }
8 123 elsif ($self->{'cdata'}) { }
88 3 5 unless $self->{'is_new'}
103 0 173 if $is_destroyed
111 97 26 unless $self->{'is_new'}
119 21 5 if (exists $self->{'index'})
139 28 14 unless $self->{'buffer'} and $self->{'buffer'}[-1]
257 0 39 if ($key eq 'id' and ($self->{'orig_id'} || '') eq $value)
261 1 38 if ($key eq 'selectedIndex') { }
302 1 2 if ($self->{'is_textnode'}) { }
334 5 40 unless $self->{'parent'}