Branch Coverage

Criterion Covered Total %
branch 21 84 25.0

line true false branch
43 4 0 unless $opts{'pkg_time'}
46 2 2 unless $opts{'command'} eq 'phalanx' or $opts{'command'} eq 'random'
48 6 0 if $opts{$mandatory}
54 4 0 ref $options eq 'HASH' ? :
80 0 4 if ($kernel == $sender and not $self->{'session'})
84 0 4 if ($self->{'session'}) { }
85 0 0 if (my $ref = $kernel->alias_resolve($self->{'session'})) { }
97 4 0 if $kernel != $sender
108 4 0 unless -d $smokebox_dir
109 0 4 unless (-d $smokebox_dir)
122 0 4 if (-e $packages_file) { }
124 0 0 if ($self->{'force'} or time - $mtime > $self->{'pkg_time'})
164 4 0 if $self->{'FETCH'}
183 4 0 if (-e $self->{'pack_file'}) { }
204 4 0 if $self->{'PROCESS'}
225 0 0 if ($command eq 'phalanx')
228 0 0 unless my $fh = 'IO::Zlib'->new($packages_file, 'rb')
231 0 0 if /^\s*$/
236 0 0 unless $path
237 0 0 if exists $dists{$path}
239 0 0 unless $distinfo->filename =~ /(\.tar\.gz|\.tgz|\.zip)$/i
240 0 0 if ($command eq 'author') { }
0 0 elsif ($command eq 'phalanx') { }
0 0 elsif ($command eq 'random') { }
241 0 0 unless eval { do { $distinfo->cpanid =~ /$search/ } }
245 0 0 unless exists $phalanx{$distinfo->dist}
246 0 0 if (defined $phalanx{$distinfo->dist}) { }
248 0 0 if (&versioncmp(scalar $distinfo->version, scalar $exists->version) == 1)
261 0 0 unless eval { do { $distinfo->distvname =~ /$search/ } }
266 0 0 if ($command eq 'phalanx')
269 0 0 if ($command eq 'random')
274 0 0 if $picked{$random}
292 0 4 if $url
295 0 4 unless my $uri = 'URI'->new($url)
297 4 0 unless $segs[$#segs]
300 0 4 unless my $ff = 'File::Fetch'->new('uri', $uri->as_string)
301 0 4 unless $file = $ff->fetch('to', $location)
302 4 0 if $file
310 5 0 if exists $ENV{'PERL5_SMOKEBOX_DIR'} and defined $ENV{'PERL5_SMOKEBOX_DIR'}
315 0 0 unless exists $ENV{$env}
316 0 0 unless defined $ENV{$env} and length $ENV{$env}
317 0 0 if -d $ENV{$env}