Branch Coverage

Criterion Covered Total %
branch 30 76 39.4

line true false branch
18 1 0 unless $opts{'version'}
19 1 0 unless defined $opts{'handle_connects'} and not $opts{'handle_connects'}
20 1 0 unless defined $opts{'hostname'}
23 1 0 ref $options eq 'HASH' ? :
43 0 1 unless $_[0]{'listener'}
49 0 8 unless $wheel_id and defined $$self{'clients'}{$wheel_id}
57 1 1 unless grep {$_ eq $cmd;} @{$$self{'cmds'};}
69 0 1 if ($$self{'alias'}) { }
75 1 0 if ($kernel != $sender)
88 1 0 defined $$self{'address'} ? :
1 0 defined $$self{'port'} ? :
116 0 1 unless $wheel
143 0 2 unless $self->_conn_exists($id)
149 0 2 unless $cmd
150 1 1 unless ($self->_valid_cmd($cmd))
155 1 0 if $cmd eq 'quit'
162 0 0 unless $self->_conn_exists($id)
170 0 3 unless $self->_conn_exists($id)
171 2 1 unless $$self{'clients'}{$id}{'quit'}
179 0 0 unless $self->_conn_exists($id)
191 1 0 unless $$self{'alias'}
201 0 0 unless (@events)
209 0 0 unless /^_/
212 0 0 unless ($$self{'sessions'}{$sender_id}{'refcnt'}++ or $session == $sender)
225 0 0 unless (@events)
239 0 0 unless /^_/
241 0 0 unless ($blah)
245 0 0 if (--$$self{'sessions'}{$sender_id}{'refcnt'} <= 0)
247 0 0 unless ($session == $sender)
259 1 0 if (--$$self{'sessions'}{$session_id}{'refcnt'} <= 0)
261 1 0 unless $session_id eq $pop3d_id
292 0 3 if $self->_pluggable_process('POP3D', $event, \(@args), \@extra_args) == 4
294 0 3 if scalar @extra_args
309 0 0 unless $self->_conn_exists($id)
321 0 3 unless $self->_conn_exists($id)
322 0 3 unless defined $output
324 0 3 if $self->_pluggable_process('POP3C', 'response', $id, \$output) == 4
333 0 1 unless $$self{'handle_connects'}