Branch Coverage

Criterion Covered Total %
branch 70 82 85.3

line true false branch
187 4 22 if (my(@actions) = @_)
282 2 60 if ($self->active_action_path_isset)
285 0 2 $stack ? :
289 60 2 if (not $stack) { }
374 2 2 if (defined $name)
376 0 2 if (my $existing_delay_id = $self->delays_index($name))
386 0 3 if ($@)
389 1 2 if ($name)
392 0 3 if ($return and ref $return eq 'ARRAY' and $$return[0] eq $RUN_AGAIN)
399 0 1 unless $name and $self->delays_isset($name)
406 0 1 unless $name and $self->delays_isset($name)
416 6 3 if ($self->running) { }
441 1 23 if ($self->on_run_count)
531 20 0 if ($self->pause_state > 0)
534 19 1 if ($self->pause_state == 0)
557 1 17 if $self->is_finished
561 24 6 unless $$callback{'type'} eq 'normal'
565 1 5 if ($@)
571 0 5 if ($self->is_error)
602 9 5 unless $$callback{'type'} eq 'error'
646 13 30 unless $$callback{'type'} eq 'finally'
667 97 76 unless defined $path_index
672 97 76 unless (defined $stack_index)
674 27 70 if (defined $new_stack)
683 3 73 if (defined $value)
688 25 48 if ($stack_index + 1 >= int @$stack)
705 39 24 if ($self->active_action_path_isset)
721 2 58 if $self->pause_state or $self->is_finished
725 53 5 if (defined $action)
733 7 46 if ($$request{'options'}{'auto_pause'})
745 2 51 if ($@)
750 0 51 if ($$handler_result{'deferred'}) { }
1 50 elsif ($$handler_result{'skip'}) { }
766 0 51 unless ($handled)
773 4 47 if ($$request{'options'}{'auto_resume'} and $self->pause_state)
778 22 34 if ($self->pause_state)
783 16 18 if (not defined _next_recurse([undef, $self->actions], [$self->active_action_path])) { }
862 0 38 if (not defined $action && ref $action) { }
1 37 elsif (ref $action eq 'HASH') { }
37 0 elsif (ref $action eq 'CODE') { }
873 4 2 unless $$action{$method}