Branch Coverage

Criterion Covered Total %
branch 1 26 3.8

line true false branch
11 1 0 unless ($@)
62 0 0 $$task{'hash'} ? :
64 0 0 if ($query_id eq 'CREATE' or $query_id eq 'EXIT')
71 0 0 unless (exists $$self{$query_id})
87 0 0 if (ref $$self{$query_id}) { }
90 0 0 if (not $$self{$query_id}->execute(@{$$task{'params'};})) { }
105 0 0 if ($$self{$query_id}{'Active'})
115 0 0 if CAN_DELAY() and $$task{'delay'}
150 0 0 if $exit
163 0 0 unless my $dbh = 'DBI'->connect(@$dsn, {'AutoCommit', 1, 'RaiseError', 0, 'PrintError', 0})
168 0 0 if (defined $queries)
170 0 0 if ($$queries{$_} =~ /insert|update|delete/i and 0) { }
173 0 0 unless $$heap{$_} = $dbh->prepare($$queries{$_})