Branch Coverage

Criterion Covered Total %
branch 21 32 65.6

line true false branch
66 6 0 $@ ? :
72 0 0 if (defined $ENV{'OPENTICK_LIB'} and length $ENV{'OPENTICK_LIB'} and -d $ENV{'OPENTICK_LIB'})
83 0 6 if (not $@) { }
88 0 0 unless /^OT_/
638 0 2 $OTLIB_FOUND ? :
680 8 12 if $$OTCancels{$cancel_id}{$command_id}
713 1 5 wantarray ? :
721 0 0 unless defined $_[0]
756 5 2 $cmd_status =~ /^\d+$/ && ($cmd_status == $$OTConstants{'OT_STATUS_ERROR'} || $cmd_status == $$OTConstants{'OT_STATUS_OK'}) ? :
768 5 2 $msg_type =~ /^\d+$/ && ($msg_type == $$OTConstants{'OT_MES_REQUEST'} || $msg_type == $$OTConstants{'OT_MES_RESPONSE'}) ? :
780 2 3 defined $data_type && $data_type =~ /^\d+$/ && $data_type == $$OTConstants{'OT_DATATYPE_EOD'} ? :
792 0 8 if $PERL_64BIT_INT
794 6 2 defined $$OT64bit{$input} ? :
806 11 19 if (defined $tmpl_name) { }
809 11 0 unless $tmpl_name =~ /^\d+$/
811 1 10 unless defined $tmpl_name