Branch Coverage

Criterion Covered Total %
branch 0 66 0.0

line true false branch
20 0 0 if @_ % 2
25 0 0 unless defined $alias
28 0 0 unless defined $timeout and $timeout >= 0
31 0 0 unless defined $retry and $retry >= 0
34 0 0 unless defined $bytes and $bytes > 0
36 0 0 if scalar keys %params
71 0 0 defined $_[16] ? :
73 0 0 unless defined $ip
74 0 0 unless defined $port and $port =~ /^\d+$/
75 0 0 if not defined $pw or $pw eq ''
76 0 0 if not defined $cmd or $cmd eq ''
77 0 0 unless $type =~ /^(?:qw|q2|q3|oldhl|hl)$/
111 0 0 if ($$heap{'jobs'}{$socket}{'type'} eq 'hl') { }
124 0 0 if ($$heap{'jobs'}{$socket}{'type'} eq 'hl') { }
125 0 0 if defined $$heap{'jobs'}{$socket}{'timer'}
131 0 0 if ($response =~ /challenge +rcon +(\d+)/) { }
159 0 0 if defined $$heap{'jobs'}{$socket}{'timer'}
163 0 0 if ($response =~ /bad (?:rconpassword|rcon_password)/i) { }
192 0 0 if ($$heap{'jobs'}{$socket}{'try'} > $$heap{'retry'} + 1) { }
210 0 0 if ($$heap{'jobs'}{$socket}{'try'} > $$heap{'retry'} + 1) { }
220 0 0 if $$heap{'jobs'}{$socket}{'type'} =~ /hl$/
221 0 0 if $$heap{'jobs'}{$socket}{'type'} =~ /^(?:q2|q3|qw)$/
229 0 0 defined $_[15] ? :
230 0 0 unless defined $ip
231 0 0 unless defined $port and $port =~ /^\d+$/
232 0 0 if not defined $password or $password eq ''
233 0 0 unless $type =~ /^(?:qw|q2|q3|oldhl|hl)$/
252 0 0 if ($response =~ /^ERROR\: /) { }
262 0 0 if ($$heap{'p_jobs'}{$jobid}{'type'} =~ /hl$/) { }
0 0 elsif ($$heap{'p_jobs'}{$jobid}{'type'} =~ /^(?:q2|q3|qw)$/) { }
275 0 0 if (/^\#[\s\d]\d\s+ (?:\")(.+)(?:\")\s+ # Player name (\d+)\s+ # Player ID (\d+)\s+ # WonID ([\d-]+)\s+ # Frag count ([\d:]+)\s+ # time (\d+)\s+ # ping (\d+)\s+ # packetloss (\S+) # ip:port $/x)
312 0 0 if (/^\s* (\d+)\s+ # num ([\d-]+)\s+ # score (\d+)\s+ # ping (.+) # name \s+(\d+)\s+ # lastmsg (\S+)\s+ # address (\d+) # qport (?:\s+(\d+)|) # rate $/x)
331 0 0 if (defined $8 and $8 ne '')