Condition Coverage

Criterion Covered Total %
condition 23 39 58.9

and 3 conditions

line !l l&&!r l&&r condition
93 5 0 0 $> and $^O ne 'VMS'
5 0 0 $> and $^O ne 'VMS' and $^O ne 'cygwin'
0 0 0 $> and $^O ne 'VMS' and $^O ne 'cygwin' and not defined $params{'Socket'}
96 1 0 4 defined $alias and length $alias
99 3 0 2 defined $timeout and $timeout >= 0
194 0 6 3 $heap->{'parallelism'} and $heap->{'parallelism'} == -1
245 7 0 48 defined $timeout and $timeout > 0
341 50 1 4 $tries_left and $tries_left > 1
359 0 55 0 $heap->{'parallelism'} and $heap->{'outstanding'} >= $heap->{'parallelism'}

or 2 conditions

line l !l condition
103 2 3 delete $params{'Parallelism'} || -1
116 1 4 defined $socket || 0
1 4 $retry || 0

or 3 conditions

line l !l&&r !l&&!r condition
223 0 1 50 $tries_left ||= $heap->{'retry'}
302 0 55 0 $heap->{'always_decode'} or length $address != 4