Branch Coverage

Criterion Covered Total %
branch 35 52 67.3

line true false branch
21 0 9 unless $params{'host'}
23 0 9 unless $params{'event'}
25 1 8 unless defined $params{'port'}
26 9 0 unless $params{'command'}
27 0 9 if defined $params{'args'}
28 8 1 unless $params{'version'} and $params{'version'} eq '1'
29 1 8 unless defined $params{'usessl'} and $params{'usessl'} eq '0'
30 4 5 unless defined $params{'timeout'} and $params{'timeout'} =~ /^\d+$/
33 0 9 ref $options eq 'HASH' ? :
47 0 9 if ($kernel == $sender and not $$self{'session'})
51 0 9 if ($$self{'session'}) { }
52 0 0 if (my $ref = $kernel->alias_resolve($$self{'session'})) { }
102 0 7 if ($$self{'version'} == 2 and $$self{'usessl'})
106 0 0 if $@
115 1 6 if ($$self{'version'} == 1) { }
130 1 0 unless $$self{'_data_returned'}
138 1 3 if ($$self{'version'} == 1) { }
140 0 1 if ($length != 1040)
146 0 1 if ($args[0] ne '2' or $args[1] ne '1' or not $args[2] =~ /^[0123]$/)
157 1 2 if ($length != 1036)
163 0 1 if ($args[0] ne '2' or $args[1] ne '2' or not $args[3] =~ /^[0123]$/)
184 4 5 if ($type eq 'gotdata')
189 1 4 if ($type eq 'nodata')
194 2 2 if ($type eq 'sockerr')
199 2 0 if ($type eq 'timeout')
200 1 1 $$self{'unknown'} ? :